Holy Mick Mulvaney, Batman! Now Stephanie Grisham will be doing multiple jobs in the Trump administration, too.

Actually, this does make a lot of sense. Think about it, now, Grisham is drawing a check for working for Melania and what can that possibly consist of? A press release on #BeBest once a year? So, if she’s hanging around doing nothing, why not give her the press secretary job? And Kellyanne Conway should enjoy having her around. Grisham also violates the Hatch Act and thinks nothing of it. 

So Grisham will step into Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ shoes. This should be very interesting. If Grisham thought that trying to whitewash the “I Really Don’t Care, Do You?” coat was a challenge, it will be interesting to see what she does with Trump’s non-stop gaffes on a daily basis. Grisham is like Sanders, insofar as she has a very sanctimonious air about what people should and shouldn’t say about Melania, apparently oblivious to the fact that other inhabitants of the White House have also lived in a fish bowl and why should the Trumps be any different?

Maybe third time’s a charm.



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    • If she never holds press conferences, like Hucky Boo Boo, she should last a long time. That was disgraceful. If it happens again, I think that either the position of press secretary should be eliminated, or the taxpayers should stop paying for it.

  1. “Grisham also violates the Hatch Act and thinks nothing of it.”

    Proving her completely qualified for the job as this is apparently the only requirement?

  2. Considering her hard work and the outstanding success of Malaria’s BeBest campaign Stephi should do a smashing job as Press Secretary.

    *contemptuous smirk*


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