Megyn Kelly. What is to be said?

Well, racist, for one thing, and that’s been proven to the point she was paid $60 million to go away. And, despite being well-educated at Syracuse and Albany law school, one always got the sense that she was more a model telling you her thoughts rather than a deeply intellectual analyst who provided a value-added opinion to the day’s news.

Now, she has a great idea. She wants every Democratic former president searched for classified files. I would literally be humiliated to be so partisan that I could leave out GOP presidents in her list:

Megyn? We need not “do” anything because it appears Democrats voluntarily call themselves out and work with the National Archives, which refers the matter to DOJ. So, really, the only people we need to “do” appear to be Republicans because our “one example” of a former president refusing to work with the National Archives happens to be a Republican.

And here is some more genius insight from Kelly. From Newsmax:

Megyn Kelly told Newsmax on Tuesday night the revelation that Joe Biden mishandled classified documents after his term as vice president ended in 2017 will not put him in legal jeopardy but will hurt him politically.

“Joe Biden has already admitted he didn’t declassify these documents,” Kelly told “Eric Bolling The Balance.” “It’s his lawyer saying that they were indeed classified, even top-secret, even with the most sensitive information in them. Joe Biden sitting there saying, ‘I have no idea what’s in them. That’s what my lawyer says.’ He’s not going be able to wiggle out of this.”

Well, it can’t possibly hurt him politically with the MAGAs because they’ve hated him from the beginning for “stealing the election,” and though it will frustrate Democrats because it gives Trump a tiny bit of cover, Biden has a golden opportunity to demonstrate how one handles these situations.

Again, I think he should encourage a House investigation and promise to testify. It guarantees that the House will so overdo it that they could accidentally indict Trump.



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  1. Oh Megyn…Try as you will you will never again be beloved by MAGAs even with nonsense like this. During that debate you moderated instead of fellating Trump on national TV you had a bit of a moment trying to act like a journalist and mightily pissed of the flaming orange human shaped rectum aka Donald Trump who then took you to task. And caused your (very, VERY profitable departure from Faux Nooz and a new contract that you later took millions because THEY realized their mistake in hiring you!) leaving the MAGA network.

  2. Unfortunately there’s a grain of truth in almost every cliché. Do ya think she’d be relevant if she wasn’t pretty and on tv? Sometimes pretty and/or handsome comes with a lifetime prescription for stupidity, banality, and greed for attention, money and power.

  3. Dumb twat was pretty fucking quiet when the mango moron was REFUSING to turn over classified docs. Real fucking quiet.

    Fucking hypocritical c&nt.


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