I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning, it smells like burnt karma. And right now, Kevin McCarthy reeks of it to high heaven. You well recall how McCarthy wanted California Democrat Eric Swalwell removed from the Intelligence Committee because ostensibly the congressman had dealings with a Chinese spy and therefore posed a security threat. McCarthy was righteously indignant about the situation and more than a little pompous. But that’s all forgotten today when it’s his boy, Matt Gaetz, who has a glaring conflict of interests, serving on the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the DOJ, when the DOJ is investigating him on child trafficking charges — oh, McCarthy’s just fine with that! What, there’s a problem?

Oh, my Gawd, the Republicans are a different species, I swear. Take a listen.

McCarthy won’t make this fly and he has to know it. The issue here is not whether Gaetz is guilty or not, the issue is that this is a clear conflict of interests. Or, am I the one missing something? And while we’re at it, do any of you legal types here remember if extortion is a defense to a crime?

And check this out. Even McCarthy starts to laugh at the end, when asked by Gaetz was the sole vote against money being allocated for child trafficking.

Maybe Kevin does know why Matt voted that way and that’s why he’s smiling.

That’s it in a nutshell.


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  1. **Shrug** All that means is McCarthy wants the Dems to once more do his job for him as happened with MTG’s committee assignments. Fine by me…no better way to show the middle voters who is who.

    • The only problem with that is that, once again, it plays right into the Republicans’ playbook against the “evil Democrats” who only want to remove someone whose only “real crime” (as a GOP ad would put it) is his “valiant effort to thwart the Far Left’s scheme/s to destroy our American way of life.”

      Democrats CANNOT win with GOP hypocrites. Franken was pressured to resign without so much as a fair hearing (not even from his own caucus) while Gaetz is just the latest GOPer who’ll pull the “victim of the Far Left” defense no matter how many accusers come forward with compelling evidence.

      As for MTG, she–like Gaetz–represents a district so deeply GOP, they don’t have to worry about losing committee assignments. Nope. I’d be willing to bet they actually revel in such actions because it gives them (A) free publicity to use in their re-election campaigns and (B) more ammunition against any potential Democratic opponent when they run for re-election. (At this point, Gaetz is already considering leaving office anyways, just as soon as he can get some plum right-wing media post that he can use to launch a run for an even higher office. It’s doubtful he’d try to run against Rubio in 2022 or Scott in 2024 for their Senate seats and he doesn’t strike me as the kind who’d settle for FL Governor, a 2022 race that would pit him against DeSantis so there’s only one higher office to which he could aspire–President–and having a nationwide conservative media spot would help him get the kind of national exposure he’d really need. His antics as a Representative don’t really get him the kind of exposure to put his name out there with potential voters beyond the borders of Florida.)

      • Winning the middle voters is the goal for the Dems from this point on. What’s left of the Republican party is a lost cause and should be treated as such. Two months and change in, Joe Biden has already proven that to be a workable strategy. And the post-Trump (?) GQP is making the execution of that plan childishly easy with antics like this.

    • Their balls are the proper size, thank you very much. And given what a chaotic, discombobulated hellscape the GQP has become, treat them less “exemplar” and more “cautionary tale”.

  2. It’s a variation on conservative’s old self-righteousness about patriotism. John Kerry who’d “punched his ticket” with service on a destroyer went back to Vietnam for a second tour with the well-known to be dangerous (expected combat) brown water Navy and was wounded in action. And mocked. Former Senator and Governor Bob Kerry who lost a leg on a SEAL mission in Vietnam and is a recipient of the Medal of Honor had his reputation trashed – Rove made it clear they’d drag his name through the mud as a “war criminal” if he ran in 2004. Max Cleland gave up both legs and an arm (and the remaining arm was damaged too) in Vietnam and had his patriotism trashed too. NO amount of service, blood and sacrifice from a Democrat bestows them with even a tiny speck of love of country or patriotism as far as conservatives are concerned. THEY on the other hand are (including the biggest and most blatantly disgusting ChickenHawks among them) are super patriots. Real Americans!

    So it it with conservatives and morality. No Democrat has any at all. But they, by being Republicans are the very finest, most upstanding moral people. (Even if like Devin Nunes they fuck pigs, or bash homosexuality while having gay sex themselves, or cheat on their spouses or unlike Hillary Clinton – and now it seems all Democrats according to them – are actual pedophiles who chase after and have sex with underage girls and boys)

    Hypocrisy? Thy name is REPUBLICAN!

  3. I know you all need revenue, but the new ads are making this unreadable. The text is jumping around on the page and the left side ads cover the text until you close it.

  4. Cults eventually implode. They will find a way. We can’t always count on them to take themselves out, although they frequently do. This time maybe the virus will oblige their arrogance & stupidity. The rest of us will go with science. Takes balls to kill urself, but I’d rather not. McCarthy is just a rusting weathervane blowing in the hot air of a large cult.


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