There’s a saying in Hollywood, “money talks and bullshit walks.” And there’s another one, “I hear you talk the talk, let’s see you walk the walk.” Both of these apply to Donald Trump, the talker of the talk if ever one was born on this planet. Now it’s time for his money to talk. When he ran for office in 2016, he announced that he was worth $9 billion dollars.That’s a lot of scratch. Now, the killjoys over at Forbes reported he was only worth $4 billion. That is still a lot of scratch. So he can’t come up half a billion dollars — especially when he said just a few months ago that he had $400,000 in liquid assets? Anybody remember this from 2016 when he was the “most successful person ever to run for the presidency by far?”

“I have total net worth of $8.73bn,” he said. “I’m not doing that to brag. I’m doing that to show that’s the kind of thinking our country needs.”

According to the statement, most of Trump’s wealth comes from real estate licensing deals, brand and branded developments, listed as worth more than $3.32bn. His commercial property was valued at over$1.69bn. The Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Pageants were valued at $14.8m, and Trump listed $302.3m in cash on hand. His total assets were valued at $9.24bn and liabilities totalled $502.7m.

The declaration is unlikely to end an often heated and litigious debate over Trump’s real worth. At $8.7bn, the list of assets is more than double Forbes magazine’sassessment of Trump’s wealth, which pegs his net holdings at $4.1bn.

In 2009, a judge dismissed a defamation suit Trump brought against Timothy O’Brien, author of Trump Nation: The Art of Being the Donald. O’Brien estimated Trump’s wealth at $150m to $250m. Trump’s estimate at the time the book was published was $5bn.

The property baron-turned-reality TV star clearly sees his wealth as a key asset in the race. “I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far,” he told Des Moines Register this month. “Nobody’s ever been more successful than me. I’m the most successful person ever to run. Ross Perot isn’t successful like me. Romney – I have a Gucci store that’s worth more than Romney.”

Good. Sell that. Mitt Romney was worth at least $250 million eleven years ago. So, if you’ve got a Gucci store worth more than $331 million in today’s dollars, great! Sell it and you should be able to come up with another $133 million. I mean, Lara and Reince can raise that in a few weeks, right? Now here’s something you have to see for comic effect.

Um….scuse me? I’m lost somehow: the man had $9B less than a decade ago, lives in a house (okay, club) that’s worth $1.5B and he needs to *borrow* half a billion dollars? I’m sorry, I’m doing a Robby the Robot right now, my circuits are frying.

Now Trumpty Dumpty lashed back on Truth Social at sunset eastern time.

Wait a minute. He has “tons of CASH” but he can’t gather a half a billion dollars? What’s up with that?

It may come down to that. Vladimir has a half a billion dollars. That much you know. He can just sell a tank or two if he needs to, no biggy. And Putin has a house that actually is one of the most expensive in the world, not that moldy gilded thing from the Great Gatsby era that Trump thinks is the most amazing residence on Planet Earth. In its day it ranked quite high, its day is long since gone. Like that of its current owner.

And then there’s this tidbit. When Trump was president he got a $19.8M loan from South Korea.

The debt is a consequence of the agreement Trump struck to share some of his licensing fees with Daewoo.

The $19.8 million balance remained the same from 2011 to 2016.

Even five months into his presidency since his election as President in 2016, the balance dropped to only $4.3 million, according to paperwork that showcased Trump’s finances as of June 30, 2017.

“Daewoo was bought out of its position on July 5, 2017,” the documents said, without disclosing who satisfied the debt as per the investigation.

The loan is visible on the Trump Organization’s internal documents but it was not revealed on the former President’s public financial disclosure reports.

Under the US disclosure laws, Trump was required to submit the documents to federal officials during his presidential campaign and after he became president, media reports said.

I guess he can’t borrow from Daewoo, he already owes them money. Maybe what Putin really has on Trump is nothing so trivial as a pee tape but the fact that he owns Trump Tower or the entire Trump Organization. Not saying he does, just saying that for a man who had $9B a mere eight years ago and who has raised many millions of dollars, probably hundreds of millions, from his MAGA cult, he doesn’t have a lousy half a billion. So maybe that’s why he loves Putin so much is because Putin owns him. You have to admit, that’s a theory that fits the facts.


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    • I don’t remember the exact circumstances, but due to the nature of the trial, it doesn’t usually require a jury. That said, IF he had wanted a jury trial his lawyer would have had to request one and she did not. THAT said, even if he had a jury, he’s not done well with juries, you may have noticed. He’s just blowing smoke and whining about what a victim he is, like Bobo. Maybe she’ll be his VP, wouldn’t that be a scream?

      She may be out of a job in June and if Trump picked her she could go on the trail and make an ass out of herself. Think of it, the person a heartbeat away from the presidency (and an obese president in lousy shape) would be a high school drop out. OMG. Maybe I should write a blog about this. This is better than Idiocracy. And it could happen.

      • I agree that the case didn’t require a jury but the option was there right up to the start of ticking a box to request trial by jury.

        It’s not the fault of the judicial system that the idiot didn’t tick the box to ask for a jury – the one to blame for him not having a jury is HIS FAT SELF

    • Maybe Trump had a Blazing Saddles moment: “Jury? I don’t need no steenking jury!” OTOH, given what the Carroll jury did to him, a jury in the state’s fraud case might have nailed him for even more. We’ll never know. Maybe his third rate lawyers just screwed up. That might actually be his best argument (ineffective counsel) in his appeal. However, I’m pretty certain Engoron took so long crafting his ruling to ensure the amount would hold up on appeal.

    • If someone was prone to pick nit, they might interject that his lawyer was the idiot who didn’t check the box to request a trial by jury, but, then again, he was the idiot who used the criteria being photogenic and having a great figure and legs to chose a lawyer

  1. The value of a brand is non-tangible and extremely so. When you’re put under the public scrutiny microscope and the world sees just how inept you are and your name is the brand, that brand becomes essentially valueless in short order. Much, maybe most, of trump’s “wealth” was tied up in brand value. He is pretty much without worth now and if his R.E. is tied up in loans taken on all of it, he’s actually less than worthless. It’ll be interesting to see what his heirs end up with after he goes tits up. I cannot see them getting diddly-squat.

    • The Trump brand was certainly of low (even negligible) value when Mark Burnett and NBC came to the rescue with The Apprentice. The smartest thing he could have done when that ran its course would have been to do what Chanteezy said in her post, STFU and slink off into the night – but, nooOOOoo, the idiot couldn’t leave well enough alone!


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