Just yesterday Peter Navarro, the punchline of many jokes, went off on a rant about how “Tony” Fauci was “the Godfather of the pandemic” and less than 24 hours later an anti-vaxxer in Maryland has been arrested after sending a violent, impassioned email to Fauci, with images of beating and lynching the doctor. This is what happens when right-Wingnuttia commentators lash out. The lunatic fringe is agitated, and then they start building pipe bombs and collecting guns.

Here we go with the obligatory ***** TRIGGER WARNING ***** This is ugly and sick, be forewarned. You can’t un-read this, unfortunately.

You probably noticed the December date on the email. I don’t know if that’s when an original email was sent and this is part of a thread, or if authorities have been seeking this person for seven months. I don’t think those details matter so much as the fact that senators Roger Marshall and Rand Paul demonize Dr. Fauci on a regular basis, as does Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, etc. and you can’t make somebody the poster child of hate without somebody acting out eventually. The level of irresponsibility being displayed here is indescribable.

I think that Marshall and Paul should have to pick up the tab for Fauci’s security detail. That would be a good start. Oh, and take the profits from Ron DeSantis’ Don’t Fauci Florida merchandise and kick it in to the kitty as well. This is how to get things rolling.


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  1. If something happens to Dr. Fauci, Law Enforcement had better pick up Liar Tuck, Death Sentence, and all the rest of the yahoos instigating all of this hate and potential violence. Let’s start arresting the higher ups for their bull-sh*t and maybe the lower downs might stop and think before they do something stupid.



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