You know you have hit bottom when a world class perv, a trafficker in human flesh and sex with little girls, thinks that you’re too creepy for him to hang out with and summarily dumps your ass. But that is what happened between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump, according to Epstein’s brother Mark, who spoke recently to Piers Morgan. Mark said that Jeffrey, “stopped hanging out with Donald Trump when he realized Trump was a crook.” And they say there’s no honor amongst thieves.

This is the uncut 27-minute long interview. In it you will hear a lot of shenanigans that Epstein was up to, including allegedly being an intelligence operative for the Israelis. I am never one to foment conspiracy theory on this site, but I’m going to share with you once again that I, for one, never believed that Epstein took his own life in that New York jail. I personally believe that he was murdered. And we may never hear otherwise. And I could be wrong. I suppose it’s conceivable that Epstein simply had had enough and figured out a way to take his own life. But if he didn’t, let’s just say that there were plenty of people who wanted him dead and that might possibly have included Donald Trump.

Trump is believed to be “Doe 174” in the now-released Epstein documents.

Over the past week, thousands of pages of court documents in a Jeffrey Epstein-linked lawsuit have been unsealed.

The documents identify about 170 people whose names have come up in a legal battle between Virginia Giuffre, one of his accusers, and Ghislaine Maxwell, his former girlfriend who in 2021 was convicted of trafficking girls to him for sex.

Those roughly 170 Epstein associates had names under seal for different reasons — some were his wealthy friends, some were his victims, and some were people whose names were merely mentioned in passing. They were identified as a “J. Doe” in arguments over whether their names should be made public or remain redacted.

Donald Trump is one of them. But until now, it wasn’t clear which of the nearly 200 Does — as enumerated by US District Judge Loretta Preska in a 50-page list — he actually was.

An exhaustive review of the documents by Business Insider points to one no-longer-anonymous Doe who checks all the boxes: Doe 174.

In deciding whether to make the names on the list public, Preska weighed any privacy rights the Does might have against the public’s right to access judicial documents. The newly unsealed documents include new excerpts of deposition transcripts and other legal filings where Trump’s name is now revealed.

Preska’s list identifies Doe 174 as a person whose “association with Epstein and Maxwell has been widely reported in the media already, and his or her name came up during Maxwell’s public criminal trial.”

The former president Trump fits that bill as someone who had a long history with the now dead pedophile and who said “I wish her well” when Maxwell was indicted on sex-trafficking charges.

Trump is now Doe 174, or at least that’s a fair guess, in addition to being booking number P01135809 in Fulton County, Georgia. This is what’s headed for the top of the GOP ticket in the fall, ladies and gentlemen. Is this what America has become, a kakistocracy, where the least qualified members of the society rule? And the biggest crook, one who is too big a crook even for known perverts, is who is wanted to lead the nation?

Once again, I wonder if I’m on a bad acid trip.

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  1. I agree he was a victim of a hit. The man was still young, had HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars to buy the best defense and could have dragged his legal case out for a long time. He also had money enough to give the USA the middle finger and run to a place he’d been hard to extradite from. Add in the dirt he had on the sitting president, who’s AG was also corrupt, and in charge of his safety. In other words, there was plenty of motive, and plenty of opportunity since his ‘guards’ went missing and there was no video. All circumstantial but the evidence smells like a dead rat. Just think if Obama had the same history and everything happened just like it did…the nazi gop would still be screaming murder as would the MSM.

  2. I think Epstein had a very good life with everything he wanted. When the judge denied bail it was clear he was never going back to that life and I don’t think he was interested in going to prison. I think Trump is going to find himself in the same position. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s the suicidal type.


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