If only I had ten dollars for each time I have shaken my head and said, “you can’t make this stuff up,” I would be cruising the Greek Isles right now. In my own yacht.

Here’s the new image on Marjorie Taylor Greene’s official Twitter account as a member of the House of Representatives. What’s that you say? Where are her horns? Patience. I predict the horns will be next.

Now the Jewish space lasers are coming out of her brain. Makes complete sense to me.

Maybe this is what has her glowing, literally.

She may now believe that she’s omniscient.

We laugh at all this, but this is some seriously strange behavior. Clarence Thomas was whining today about faith in our institutions being eroded. When a member of Congress decides that this kind of low budget freak show visual image should accompany her official Twitter account, what is that, Justice Thomas, but a flouting of normalcy and convention? If Justice Thomas is worried about a group of people not going along with the normal course of things, he need only look to the freak show in his own party.

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  1. Um, I’m sorry. Of what exactly does Marge believe she’s been “acquitted?” I’m not aware that she faced CRIMINAL prosecution for anything (yet).

    Only criminal actions result in guilt or acquittal; civil actions result in guilt or vindication.

    And this is the “woman” (personally, I’ve seen transwomen who look more like “biological” women than Greene does) who some Georgians want representing them? A “woman” who doesn’t even understand the simple basics of law, much less government?

    • Well, they guy they voted for President clearly has no clue (or interest) in how the US Gov functions. He doesn’t know what tariffs are or how they work. He doesn’t understand how nato works. I’d bet a years salary that we can find Sri Lankan children (in Sri Lanka) that can speak more intelligently on US foreign and domestic policy than Trump. MAGAts don’t care if their reps blatantly lie. They don’t care if their reps engage in criminal behavior. They get all worked up into a froth because Hunter Biden, who has never worked in government or for his father, mAYBE had gotten money from here or there, but Jared getting $2 BILLION, while working in government, well that’s just fine. These people are just rabid racist, bigoted dolts. They’re fine with someone not having a clue just so long as they keep running around in a white sheet burning crosses.

  2. Being as how she lied with most of her responses, saying she didn’t remember when she does, she should be referred by the DA for perjury and contempt of court.

    • Should the DOJ, EVERRRRR get off their duffs and prosecute her for her actual crimes, of which there are many, the whole scenery changes. There are a ton of jailbirds in the slammer who can’t recall this crime or that crime, but they are in the county hotel anyway. One size fits all. But Merrick Garland is an unknown quantity? Does anyone find it surprising that while the Dept. of Justice is immobile in prosecuting in any meaningful way the offenders of Jan/6 and at the same time the supreme court is concerned with overturning Roe/Wade. The country is about to be beset by rot, the seeds of which you planted with the second amendment. God help us all!

  3. As I understand it, the red eyes are the new meme among the so-called “Dark MAGA” crowd that’s forming up. Essentially, they’re post-Trump fascists who think they can STILL make this whole white supremacy thing work with a bit of rebranding. Be a shame if they were wrong, wouldn’t it?

    • Carol O, Do not despair. When this turns out to be yet another splendiferous colossal flop we’ve come to expect from our Misguided Marge, She’ll merely drop it like a hot rock and blame Antifa for it, and of course the dark state. sad.

  4. Wow here’s an update for us all, breaking news is that the image has been removed,…….hmmmm less than 24 hours. Is that a record do you think? And of course a very flimsy reason for it’s existence in the first place. Told ya!!!!! Watch her blame Antifa tomorrow?


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