Oh Xmas Trump, oh Xmas Trump, we’d like to leave you in the dump. Everybody shops at this time of year, even the MAGA cult. If you know somebody like that, you may want to buy them one of these. Or, you may want to annoy a Democrat on Xmas Day. Personally, if I opened a box and saw this inside, I would be annoyed. Although who knows? Maybe the cat could shred it if you put it in his box.

This may become the new thing that bank robbers wear. Trump would actually enjoy inspiring that kind of behavior, I have no doubt. Something like this might also sell well at Flat Earth conventions or anywhere that conspiracy theorists gather. I would say that this could become a family heirloom, but what family would want to be reminded that back in the early part of the 21st century they were a part of this lunacy?

Now what intrigues me, is all these evangelicals bow before Trump. Isn’t there something in the Bible about graven images and worshipping same? And how that kind of behavior is strictly forbidden? But that too, falls under the heading of It’s Okay If You’re A Republican.

Yet another sign of the disintegration of the GOP.

Golden idols, golden showers, you name it. If it’s blasphemous or tacky, the face of Donald Trump is there. And don’t forget P.T. Barnum’s great line, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.”



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  1. Apparently the folks at cpac did not absorb the lesson of the gold calf. How is it con, xtian, ‘pubes can bitch and whine and moan about homosexuality, trans folks, but not a f*cking word escapes their lips about their own bowing to golden idols. wtf people.

    • It’s called hypocrisy…the number one human behavior Jesus preached against. The Jews, Muslims, and the rest are not immune to it…you know, like allowing an authoritarian leader in Israel to empower Hamas so the Jews could displace Palestinians in the west Bank, then ignoring the plan they KNEW about for a year, then allowing their own citizens to be slaughtered while bombing Gaza into rubble, killing mostly women and children. NONE of the so called ‘religious’ people are innocent. It’s not just the so called Christians. The Jews and Muslims are covered in innocent blood, violating all their so called commandments. The Buddhists didn’t make the pol pot regime moral either. We, as a species, are always looking to justify our evil and claim ‘God’ is on our side while killing the innocent. Lies and hypocrisy.

      • I just read this morning that “someone” who knew about Oct 7 in advance did a bunch of short-selling on the stock market and made a, well a lot of money. Since it appears everyone except the victims and the US gov knew it was coming, kinda hard to be sure who.


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