Apparently OAN wants to go out with a bang. I for one can’t wait until they finally go dark, which is in ten days from now. It can’t come soon enough for me.

I know everybody needs a paycheck and I respect that, but if lying and being a traitor to your country in a time of war is the only way to earn your daily bread, maybe you need to go home and do some soul searching about your life.

This is pro-Putin propaganda, plain and simple.

Here’s a story from the San Diego Union-Tribune describing how this media monster came into existence.

San Diego-based Herring Broadcasting expanded its TV operations Friday from the lifestyles of the rich on WealthTV to national and international news for political independents and conservative voters.

Robert S. Herring Sr., who made his money from printed circuit boards and has backed conservative causes, announced a partnership with the Washington Times newspaper to produce a 24-hour cable news channel aimed at an audience of 30 million viewers.

One America News Network will provide Americans a new, credible source for national and international news and investigative, cutting-edge debate about the policies, issues and solutions facing the country,” CEO Robert S. Herring Sr. said in the announcement.

Based in Rose Canyon east of Pacific Beach, WealthTV airs shows such as “Divine Life,” “Cheese Chasers” and “Beyond the Gates,” as well as history-based documentaries — some produced by its staff of 75 and others acquired from independent film makers. The shows air locally on AT&T’s U-verse’s Channels 470 and 1470 and on WealthTV’s website at a charge of 99 cents a month or $9.99 annually. […]

Herring Broadcasting President Charles Herring, son of the company CEO, said the new network will fill a niche left by other conservative news outlets, such as Fox News, known for “a lot of opinions, screaming, but no substance, no facts.”

And OAN has lottts of substance and lottts and lottts of facts. Righto.

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  1. This IS disgusting, and very dangerous, how the hell would Biden be able to engineer something this outrageous?

    There is only ONE person carrying the weight of responsibility for the butchering in Ukraine, his name is PUTIN …

    Biden is TOO BUSY doing things to fix Trump’s mess ups and doing what is right for our country …

    These bozos should spend some real time on the streets of Ukraine, this idiot should go over there with Tucker Carlson, who speaks for Putin already …

    So stupid, how come people dead from the neck up can spew such stuff all the time?



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