Remember when Donald Trump asked Deborah Birx about injecting bleach to cure COVID? Well, hold his beer, Louie Gohmert just topped that. While you’re picking yourself up off the floor wondering how even the stupidest man in Congress can possibly think that the Bureau of Land Management or the Forest Service can just go out today and change the orbit of the moon, when we’re doing well to get a rocket with a limited payload off the damn ground and into space in the first place, I implore you to look on the bright side: at least Louie Gohmert is acknowledging that there is a problem with climate change. One small step for sanity one giant leap for the GOP.

And if you think this is ridiculous, know that there are people defending Gohmert.

Now, see, there’s another swell notion. Let’s turn lead into gold, right after we spin the moon in June just like a balloon and change the climate.

Bravo, cousin Smokey. Let’s all get on board for this. I’m going to call cousins Paddington, Pooh and Gummi and recruit their support, too. Even that bum Trumpy can come play with us if he’s in favor of saving the climate.

I don’t blame this official who essentially blew Gohmert off without being rude about it. She must have been stunned, as Deborah Birx was stunned. The real problem is that somebody as stupid as Gohmert is asking these questions to begin with. I would say “this is unreal” but no, this is where the GOP is at these days. This is who is sitting in Congress.


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  1. If I were in front of Gohmert and he asked me something this stupid, I’m afraid I simply could not be civil in my response. After dropping a couple of “f-bombs” (some even directed AT Gohmert) and face-palming myself, I’d have to ask “Mr Gohmert, when you went to school, was it one of those schools that just promoted you if you simply showed up at least once a week and then let you graduate just to get you out of there? That is the ONLY possible reason I can imagine that would lead you to ask a question that fundamentally stupid.”

    I’d probably finally follow that up with “But to answer that incredibly stupid question, the simple answer is a resounding NO. Even IF we could manage–somehow–to alter the moon’s orbit, it would do absolutely NOTHING to affect climate change. The reason is THE MOON IS NOT INVOLVED WITH EARTH’S CLIMATE. Our climate is far more affected by the sun but what affects climate change more than the sun is our reliance on fossil fuels. If you would spend even half as many of what pass for your brain cells on figuring out how to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels and increasing our use of alternative, preferably greener, energy sources as you seem to waste on stupid ideas like this nonsense, we might be able to work on reducing the effects of climate change.”

  2. I wonder if the problem with Gohmert, Brooks, Guliani, the anti-vaxxer nut job woman and the rest of the crazies we’re hearing from, isn’t that they partook of a little too much of the bleach therapy. How else to explain the rash of sheer, unadulterated just plain nuts, words, actions, deeds we’re witnessing on a daily basis. Could it have been too much sci fi on impressionable minds incapable of sorting fantasy from fact? Too many drugs bending brain cells (or not enough?). What the hell happened?!


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