I do so hope that this clip you’re about to see is scattered around right-wing media, far and wide, but I fear it’s already being buried so the MAGAs don’t see it. And don’t expect the likes of RSBN or Newsmax to let this be seen because heaven forfend, they would have to admit that Donald Trump said something utterly wrong — not just wrong but self-destructive to his cause as well. And the stable genius could never do that right? He with the great genes and the uncle at M.I.T. and the intuitive grasp of COVID, remember all that? The guy who thinks a cognitive test and a Mensa test are the same thing, that guy? But it sure would be nice if the MAGAs saw this and did his bidding to the letter. Let us dream.

Remember when Herschel Walker talked about his erection and Lindsey Graham just sat there like he hoped he would be raptured away right that instant, please God. I remember the same look on Mike Pence’s face, when he was in the Oval Office with Trump and the first of these government shutdown debacles began to take place. The look is one of utter blankness and a deathly physical stillness. It’s the kind of look where, if flight attendants see it on a passenger, they come over and hold a mirror under his nose.

Back to the real world, Trump is not the only piece of work running on the GOP ticket. The Associated Press just broke news that this is the Republican nominee for governor of the great state of North Carolina.

Expect to hear a lot from this guy this year. This is the mother lode of MAGA madness. We live in the year 2024 yet there is still this insistence on “preversion” as General Ripper used to call it. It was a joke in the 60’s, now it’s simply pathetic. And this you’ll love. More Robinson.

Who he reminds me of is another North Carolinian, Madison Cawthorn. Inept people who fail upward are the hallmark of the Republican party in this day and age. And now North Carolina is on the verge of making Mike Pence’s Indiana look like a shrine of enlightenment.

Expect things to get a lot worse than this, the night is young. You’re not being cynical, merely realistic. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley continues to be a thorn in Trump’s side. She got 33.5% of the vote in Virginia. That’s a lot. I can tell you so that so far, suspended/unsuspended Marianne Williamson and dead last loser Dean Phillips aren’t polling anywhere near that between the two of them. Biden took a solid 88% in the state.

The sad but true facts are these:

  1. MAGA is maybe 1/3 of the GOP electorate;
  2. Haley has now brought the anti-Trumpers out of the closet and who knows if they are going to vote for Trump? He better hope that they do; and
  3. Trump, going in as the Republican incumbent, basically, is going in with numbers that an incumbent doesn’t pull, like in the 60’s.

This is a wake up call, Donald. Not that you’ll heed it. You never do.


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  1. I see no reason for Haley to quit, even though in the marathon she is currently THIRD!

    Sure, Trump has a big lead but right behind him is the Grim Reaper and since the Grim Reaper is not an official US citizen, that would leave Haley.

    Out of the three though, I would vote for Grim. I like his policies, though he’s taking way too long to polish off Trump and he has a better sense of humor.

  2. Yes, in case anyone did not know, stupid comes in black, brown, red, ….as well as white. Systemic racism makes it easier for white stupid. Get rid of systemic racism? Well, yeah. Getting rid of stupid is one hell of a lot more important since the former would likely fall.

  3. I suspect, well really, really hope actually, that former guy’s threats to purge moderate republicans and outright ban Haley supporters is going to bite him on the ass-hard. A) doesn’t the dick-wad realize ballots are secret? B) does he realize many moderate republicans might have, might? hell likely, stayed home yesterday (and for the other primaries thus far) and that he is going to need all of them and more to win all of the swing states he needs and some states that normally aren’t but are this election because of Dobbs, Alabama, etc.? If magats make up 30-40% of republican voters 60-70% are not magats–that is a huge number of voters. Now, granted, not all of them are moderate republicans but if 20-30% of the non-magat republicans are moderates and they decide to either stay home or vote for Biden, he’s f*cked sideways.

    Never have I seen such an error of such magnitude in a presidential election cycle. He’s stupid, I get it, but can’t someone explain some basic math to him? This is such a magnificent gift to President Biden I’d be surprised if he isn’t shopping for a Thank You card right now. LMAO

  4. Dobbs activated white colleges educated women and their daughters and they are voting for Biden . Millennial and younget voters are nauseated by his racism and homophobia and misogyny and anti-aging stances.

  5. When Maggie used the word “erection” I had a flashback to an old SNL Weekend Update skit where Gilda Radner, as Emily Littella, made commentary of “presidential erections”, only to have the “news anchor” correct her after some comical double entendres.

    Yup, Maggie is satirizing Drumpf’s descent into dementia.

    Looking at comments on the original Twitter post, I noticed someone asked what year, and Maggie wrote “2025” (pause here to let that joke sink in); and someone else asked Maggie is she could do Melania as well, and she said yes, so there may well be more such posts from her.

    I look forward to them.


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