How soon they forget.

The opinion writers at the Wall Street Journal had only praise and cringy hagiographic homilies for Don Cornholeone five short years ago when he was signing the biggest tax cut ever for the top 1 percenters who comprise their most enthusiastic readership, and blowing a 2 Trillion dollar hole in the deficit, but I guess that counts for little to them as the Orange One busies himself hammering away at the Journal’s most useful bunch of idiots… the GOP…

Here’s the link if you subscribe.

I do not subscribe myself but here is what I could glean from their site… more to follow below.

“Wonder Land: If Donald Trump announces he’s running for president again, the 2024 election is over.

What will Democrats do when Donald Trump isn’t around to lose elections? We have to wonder because on Tuesday Democrats succeeded again in making the former President a central campaign issue, and Mr. Trump helped them do it.

Trumpy Republican candidates failed at the ballot box in states that were clearly winnable. This can’t be what Mr. Trump was envisioning ahead of his “very big announcement” next week. Yet maybe the defeats are what the party needs to hear before 2024.”

Wow, that’s not very nice.

Funny how the Murdoch…er… Journal writers call the GOP “the party” as if they are personally invested.

Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss and his crew have thoughts:



Yup. Stephen Miller probably reads it to him.



Yup. She should just elope.

Rupert beat him to it.


Et tu NY Post?


Nice target for his ketchup hurling.


👋 👋 👋

I guess this is a case of exception to the African proverb “When elephants fight the grass suffers”.

The grass is chortling tonight.

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  1. It’s a shame we lost Chris Farley because he could have played the hell out of Trump. Sometimes when Trump takes a hit, including seeing this what comes to mind is a recurring gag line from Tommy Boy. Imagine the following only with Farley wearing a suit and a Trump wig:

  2. It’s HILARIOUS to me that the Wall S#!t Urinal could write “Trumpy Republican candidates failed at the ballot box in states that were clearly winnable” and act as if these candidates were separate from Trump himself.

    The Urinal is definitely trying desperately to cover their own years of licking Trump’s ass and saying “Yum” when they spent most of this election cycle OPENLY SUPPORTING every last one of these “Trumpy Republican candidates” once they won their primary races. There was no “woe be we” back in May and June–no. They were THRILLED with Trump’s “hand-picked” candidates and there wasn’t any kind of “oh no, all these candidates are going to fail in November” pessimism–until two days ago when those candidates that they supported lost those races.


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