We all know what drumpf “does” that produces fumes, and it certainly has nothing to do with the economy. And while Trump did not leave the economy an absolute wreck, as W did to President Obama, there is no doubt that President Biden has the economy humming with unemployment at historic lows, GDP growth through the roof and wages trending ever upward. And Biden didn’t have to dirty a diaper to make it happen:



Definitely not.



Poor kitty.







Jeebus, what is it with this guy?

If he had an ounce of self awareness he’d strike “fumes” from his vocabulary.

But we’d miss out on all the yucks.

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    • Are you sure? Even when they get a look at his tiny little mushroon-shaped dick? I think some MAGA men & women might suddenly be confronted by his complete & utter INADEQUACY. Maybe Stormy needs to make some speeches about the size & shape of DON THE CON’s limited asset.

  1. Of course the upturn in the economy is due to him. After all, he tanked it that badly it couldn’t go anywhere other then up after he was evicted from the Pennsylvania Avenue address.

    • I don’t know man, things can always get worse. Still, he did not do squat while he was squatting in the oval so there’s that.

      Honestly, anyone with even a modicum of competence would have been able to help the economy grow after former guy’s complete and utter lack of any ability, knowledge, hell complete ineffectiveness to do anything right. Not for nothing is he called the Mango Moron.

      Prez Biden has done well and I expect he will continue to do so.

      • Things can only get worse, if CRIMINAL & DESPERATE DICTATOR WANNABE DON THE CON is allowed to get back into office.

        Fortunately… we have Joe Biden who has much more than just a modicum of competence. He has decades of experience working with both parties & foreign leaders. He has restored & brought back the American economy to lead all other economies in the world. With records lows in unemployment, record highs in job creation, GDP growth, & in most other ways.

        Biden accomplished it without the country going into a predicted recession… & inflation is coming back. It’s due in part of Bidenomics in which many of the progressive ideas of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren & Alexandria Cortex were included. Turns out all of those “socialist” & populist ideas were helpful in stimulating the economy, especially at the level of average Americans (bottom up & middle out) like Joe Biden always says, rather than the Rich who the GOP always concentrate on.

        None of this could have been accomplished if we were just running on DON THE CON’S STINKY FUMES.

    • Not exactly…. the upturn in the economy is only due to him….. LOSING THE ELECTION TO A MUCH MORE COMPETENT & EXPERIENCED PERSON in Joe Biden. DON THE CON deserves no other credit for the actual upturn… nada, zilch, no way.


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