Mike Lindell is not having a good day, not a tall a tall. He started in today on his FRANK-a-thon, which is an event intended to hype the launch of his website, Frankspeech, but the problem with that, is that he can’t get Frankspeech to operate. So he’s dragging viewers, or attempting to drag them, to something that doesn’t really exist. Kind of like a grand opening at an ice cream parlor that hasn’t been built yet and there’s no ice cream in sight.

Lindell’s excuse for the problems with the site is that “hackers” and “they” are sabotaging him. “They” are also trolling him. “They” had him believing that Donald Trump had called in.

Now, if anybody knows why Lindell is hunched over the cell phone, chime in and tell the rest of us. He looks like he’s ready to collapse and maybe that is the case.

I think it may be his last little bit of crack, on a psychological level. Odd that his co-host, whomever the other guy is, doesn’t try to kick him under the table or pass a note saying, “sit up, you look stupid crouching over a cell phone.”


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  1. Swear to the gods, I thought this tidbit was a parody or satire when I heard about it. Instead, we get more proof through this literal prank call that every level of right-winger contain the most gullible, credulous people on the planet.


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