We all recall the awfulness of August, 2017 in Charlottesville, when a mob carrying tiki torches marched through the streets chanting, “You will not replace us,” or “Jew will not replace us.” It was a black moment in our history. Today, the Lincoln Project staged a reenactment at a campaign stop for Glenn Youngkin, at least insofar as having a handful of people carrying tiki torches show up constitutes reenactment. Whatever you want to call it, the display got a ball of disinformation rolling, with McAuliffe and Youngkin staffers battling on social media and now Project Lincoln is catching hell for it. Associated Press:

McAuliffe staffers promoted a reporter’s tweet about the group’s appearance, using it to attack Youngkin and suggesting that those holding the torches were his supporters.

Youngkin staffers accused the McAuliffe campaign or Virginia Democrats of being involved, drawing disavowals.

“What happened today is disgusting and distasteful and we condemn it in the strongest terms. Those involved should immediately apologize,” McAuliffe campaign manager Chris Bolling said in a statement.

The Democratic Party of Virginia issued a statement saying neither the party nor its “coordinated partners and affiliates” had anything to do with “the events” at the campaign bus stop.

The Lincoln Project then weighed in, saying it was behind what it called a “demonstration.”

“The Youngkin campaign is enraged by our reminder of Charlottesville for one simple reason: Glenn Youngkin wants Virginians to forget that he is Donald Trump’s candidate,” the group said of the former president.

The incident comes at a sensitive time in the city. A civil trial opened Monday that will determine whether the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who organized the 2017 demonstrations should be held accountable for the violence.

Call the shot the way you see it. A lot of people are saying it was excessive and unnecessary. The Lincoln Project has also been accused of self promotion and the comment has been made, “When self promotion becomes more important than the story you’re covering or the cause you’re advocating, you have lost your way.” True enough, if that’s the case.

I’ve always liked Lincoln Project for their ability to fight fire with fire but this might have been a bridge too far. Here is the statement they issued.

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  1. This just reinforces my theory that it may be time to sever ties with the LP. They’re struggling to stay relevant with Trump gone and with Democrats in the room, they’re no longer the smartest MFers in it.

  2. White supremacy has been infecting our country since 750 000 Americans died in the Civil war. It has supported mass killing in Tulsa, Clinton ms.& wilmington, nc. There are too many instances to recount. We can’t chortle & celebrate them when they are on point & turn our backs when they fuck up. I’m sure they will be more careful from now on. The time for PC is wayyyy past. Let me ask. Would you rather they start trashing the democrats at every turn showing all the times joe stumbles over words/steps/deals with Australia? Not me.i will take all the allies I can get.


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