I’ve heard of people getting test jitters before, but never with respect to a psychological  evaluation mandated by professional requirements for one’s job. Proving oneself to be sane should not be all that daunting a prospect — unless you’re Lin Wood, the maverick of Strikeforce Rudy. Wood has his back up and he’s letting the Georgia State Bar know he won’t take their test and he’s going to sue them besides. So there. Forbes:

Wood shared a lawsuit on Telegram to be filed in the U.S. District Court in Georgia, though court records indicate the complaint has not yet been docketed. […]

The state bar’s investigation into Wood is based on four complaints sent in by people from outside Georgia about Wood’s lawsuits challenging the election results, Wood alleges, which the attorney defended in the lawsuit as him exercising his free speech on “political issues of inherent public and national concern.”

Wood’s refusal to undergo the examination could be grounds for him to lose his license in itself if he doesn’t win his court case, as the state bar’s rules stipulate doing so “may be grounds for further proceedings…including emergency suspension proceedings.”

Lin Wood thinks there’s nothing mentally ill about advocating the execution of the vice president of the United States by an angry mob. That’s apparently just fine, in his book. But then again, this is a man who used to tell his law partners that he was the second coming of Christ. Nothing off kilter about that, right?

One thing is certain. The reckoning of Trump’s Big Lie lawyers is at hand and it’s going to be epic. Get the popcorn.

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  1. I’m not sure the bar association wants to have him diagnosed as mentally ill…I sort of assumed if he got a clean bill of health they could then revoke his license based on him knowingly acting in a corrupt manner. But I’m not a lawyer.

  2. If I’m correct, then, when he became a member of the bar association, he had to accept their rules. Having done that, he can’t really object if they find he’s in breach of the rules he already agreed to and his health is an issue as it would affect hisa ability to work

  3. The fact that Mr. Wood is being required to submit to a mental health examination is reprehensible.  We are all well aware that this is nothing but a political witch-hunt.   Mr. Wood is a man of integrity and principle. He has 43 years of brilliant legal work behind him and an unblemished record. He should not be used as a scapegoat by the people who hate Trump and America.

    Any supposition that Mr. Wood conspired to commit an insurrection against the USA on January 6th is a complete farce.  President Trump was acquitted on 2/13/21 therefore Mr. Wood is also acquitted by inference.  The language Mr. Wood used on Twitter in January regarding Mike Pence and others was merely rhetorical hyperbole – which is protected speech.  He is a distinguished defamation attorney – he is well aware of what he legally can and cannot say.  Mr. Wood is in possession of evidence (from a whistle-blower) that he believes needs to be investigated.  Are we no longer a country of law and order?  It seems not.   The proof of voter fraud in Georgia (as well as many other states) is easily accessible and highly credible at this point.  The fact that no one wants to acknowledge it or even review it is scandalous! More and more lies are being revealed every day. Watch for it.

    Who is the truly delusional one here?  It is not Lin Wood. I, for one, am tired of seeing his good name dragged through the mud.


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