It’s so interesting that when Lin Wood was actually present at the sanctions hearing in Michigan Monday morning, he had nothing to say about the case. Nay, in fact, he distanced himself from it, claimed that he was never a part of the case, never signed the complaint, even. Then he gets on social media and doubles down on all the idiocy that is in the complaint — and which he claims he didn’t put there.

All that Wood has done here is show what a liar he was yesterday and spew out more conspiracy theory paranoia. That is the essence of who he is and what to expect in the future.

What I find amusing is that he puts this on social media, like the judge isn’t going to see this. He might find himself not only sanctioned, but held in contempt of court. I guess none of it sinks in when you’re that far down the coo coo road.

If he had something to say, Monday would have been the time to say it. But of course he couldn’t because he’s got no facts.


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  1. The judge has good clerks, and will definitely find out about this. There’s those papers due in two weeks, too. She was going to limit them to 10 pages, but Wood whined about that and she upped the limit.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if one (or more) of the judge’s clerks has already developed a file on Wood’s media statements, especially the stuff on “news” and his own social media postings. Same with the other lawyers on the hot seat yesterday. An entire day was spent prodding them, seeking some sort of “oopsie – we may have jumped the gun” but also giving them extra rope with which to hang themselves. Wood wasted no time wrapping as much as he could around his neck! It’s not hard to imagine that others in that group yesterday will also shoot off their mouths and with a camera(s) rolling, giving the judge literal before & after evidence of their contempt of court.

    To paraphrase a classic Bob Dylan lyric, “The Sanctions – they are a coming!”

    • Powell did herself no favors by pushing quantity as if it meant quality, and there was the other one who kept wanting an evidentiary hearing, as if that was going to change the result of the one they were in.

  3. This IS awesome non-revocable guilty as charged – information … typed out neatly on the Judge’s office stationary, Lin Wood did this and that in admission of improper responses made to this Judge’s court on date______ at time ______

    Stuff like that could easily end his career as a stunted, low grade Trump fanatical liar …

    It’s stuff like that that will make my day brighter when it happens … Trump has contaminated so many weak-minded people, he is STILL dangerous …


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