It’s a sad left over fixture of our paternalistic culture that a successful woman is said to have slept her way into whatever position she’s in by merit. Somehow the idea that a woman can actually do the work — not to mention pass exams and objective standardized tests — is anathema to the ignorant. And the King of the Ignorant is Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh recently referred to Kamala Harris as a “hoe” and now that has become “Joe and Hoe” and it will only get worse. Here’s a link if you can stand to listen to it.

“The NBA has fired a freelance photographer because he insulted Kamala Harris. His name is Bill Baptist. He posted an image that read ‘Joe and the Hoe.’ H-O-E. Now, what do you think that’s about, ‘Joe and the Hoe’?

“Well, that takes me to the second story. ‘It’s no secret, but public knowledge that Kamala Harris slept her way up into California political life by being a very public escort and mattress for California Democrat kingmaker Willie Brown.’

“Now, some people read this story, ‘Mattress? Didn’t he mean mistress?’ No, I think they meant ‘mattress’ here.

“So we have two different stories here that are trading off the known fact that she was Willie Brown’s mattress, and that he has written about it, and that he has talked about how it propelled her — that he ended up being one of her mentors.”

This ugliness is going out all over the heartland to further divide this nation. But this is what Limbaugh makes big bucks doing. This is another time I want to cry for what America has become.

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    • I hesitated about sharing this, and then I thought, people need to know that this is going on. This is part of the political landscape. A very ugly part.

      • He’s part of the propaganda machine. Why? Really, why? What does he get out of it? $$$ – probably. A huge high from being an asshat – probably. The Medal of Freedom – goddammit.

      • It is very ugly, as is the public assumption that the word “dating” equals “sleeping with.” Limbaugh’s slur depends on that unwarranted assumption.

    • There is a reason I prize my hardback copy of Al Franken’s “Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot And Other Observations”. Franken came out ahead in the end, becoming a U.S. Senator and having a good marriage while Limbaugh had four of the latter, remained a grifting radio host and is now not long for this world. No gold microphone can make up for that.

  1. She did go out with this man for a year in the early 90’s. He was technically still married but had been estranged from his wife for a decade. He did appoint her to two committees. However, it wasn’t until 2003 that she ran for office, so 8 years later. She also distanced herself from him, so was not relying on him to get elected.
    For Limbaugh to distort the truth like he is doing is horrendous! He has spewed garbage for years though.

  2. So nice of Limbaugh to rise from his future crypt to remind why his kind need to go this year and every year after. It’s over for him physically, soon to be over politically and commercially as well. Hope that Medal of Freedom was worth what’s waiting for him.

    • As he is climbing up that tall ladder to the pearly gates, breaking gallons of sweat, the big guard angel says, “Oh Hell NO, you don’t … boots him off the last two rungs, saying he is missing a special place where they are holding a party in his honor …

      The roll down that long series of steps leaves him cut and bruised, as he rolls out at just ground level, low and behold there is a special place after all … his personal purgatory cell … a line of former public heroes blasted by his phony bravado and poison vile comments, waiting their turn alone with his fat ass …

  3. isn’t he dead yet? The way they talked about him when Himself gave him that undeserved medal last yer, I though he had weeks to a couple of months left.

    • No worries. Hell can wait. Won’t be long now compared to ETERNITY. How are these lawyers, senators, judges, etc., so phucking bad at basic math? Aren’t these the same arsewipes that believe in God’s final judgement? Uh Oh Mark I’m the poster child for EVIL STUPIDITY & hypocrisy, meadows.

      • As Max Allan Collins noted once, guys like that are always easy marks because they think the fix is in. Neil Gaiman noted such rigged games are the easiest ones to beat.

  4. Since we are in the gutter, a friend of ours from way up north in PA called us up one night many years ago to have us look at something on the internet. So we went to this website and it was a story by a news station in Philadelphia, PA about how this guy was fired from a radio station there in Philadelphia for being a pedophile. The guy was going by another name, but it was the fat guy with a cigar. The next day the article had been taken down.

      • Just had another surgery a week ago, I have another appointment this Wednesday. Fingers crossed that this one fixes this crap. This is the fifth surgery I have had recently, ugh. With three laser surgeries thrown in for good measure. My right eye is so trashed, it looks awful. Thanks for asking.

  5. Might just be sour grapes. Kamala is a beautiful woman. He & Frump can commiserate since the ice lady won’t even hold his hand. Guess she’s not a Beatles fan either.

  6. The funniest thing I got from this is that Rush apparently doesn’t know the meaning of “freelance.” With a “freelance” worker, there is NO guarantee of anything, especially not continuing employment.

    And what’s so truly hilarious about it is that, for decades, Rush and his ilk have been pushing the idea to make EVERYONE’S job essentially that of “freelance.” Workers are to be interchangeable cogs in the great machine of employment with no cares or thoughts as to their concerns (like health benefits or retirement plans or on-the-job safety); when a worker gets fed up with bad treatment, then management replaces him.

    And Rush might want to be careful since, technically as a syndicated broadcaster, he’s basically a “freelance” person as well. If a station chooses to drop his show, well, that’s their right to do so. (Of course, he’s pretty much not heard on any stations that don’t cater to the right-wing nutjob ilk that he caters to.)

    • I realize that’s a joke and that Rush is despicable to the point of irredeemable. That said, DON’T EVEN. I watched somebody I dearly loved die slow from cancer. It’ll get him on its own schedule.

      • I watched both of my parents die of lung cancer. Mom died Christmas 1975, and dad almost five years later in Sept. 1980. The day before he died I spoke to my oldest sister (who wound up dying from it herself – all were heavy smokers btw) before going to work overnight at the group home I worked at back then. She asked how close we were to the end, and I asked her “do you remember the smell in the room at the end with mom?” and before I could go on she said (she and her family lived several hours away) we’ll be there tomorrow by noon. Dad was gone before she made it. In fact, even though I had a co-worker prepared to come in and relieve me (she offered, knowing what I was going through) his second wife didn’t call me. She’d told the nurse she would when it became obvious dad’s would likely be dead within an hour. I was only 20-30 minutes (depending on how quickly my relief could get over to the group home) away but Norma didn’t call. Not even after he died did one of her relatives (sister and brother-in-law) call me. Fortunately when the nurse wondered where the hell I was she knew where I worked and called me.

        But about that smell. Back then the treatment options were limited and once the lung cancer advanced about all that could be done was try to minimize the suffering with pain medication. But as the cancer kills the good tissue it rots, and in the lungs that means the putrefaction of all that dead tissue gets exhaled. Limbaugh is rotten to the core to begin with! But karma can be pretty vindictive and what he has to look forward to in those final few days is his lungs literally filled with dying, and already dead tissue and if modern drugs keep him conscious he too will experience that certain smell. Call me small minded and mean spiritited but I think that is something that would be a fitting end to his hateful, despicable life. Lying there smelling his own rotting lung tissue.

  7. Well it is my experience that the white trash that promotes this drivel doesn’t know the difference. It’s barely in their existence to say slept. The only reason being they got their knuckles slapped by a ruler that if they use the f-word that will happen. Course when out with the boys we will revert our ways.

  8. The only way Jabba the Rush can get a woman to have sex with him is to use his power to bribe them. I guess he just assumes everybody does that.

  9. Any time I hear this variety of sexual denigration directed at a woman, I’m reminded of that classic definition of a Slut: a woman with the morals of a man.In the specific case of Lush Rimbaugh, he fulfills the definition of a Pig:
    a man with the morals of Trump.

  10. I don’t have a terminal illness or anything (except life is a terminal illness). I don’t expect many to morn my passing as anything more than brief recollection for most other than family and friends. I would just hope people didn’t think I was a total dick, that I was more helpful than hurtful. I guess limbaugh is going the other way, dick all the way down. You limbaugh may be more famous than me when you finally crap out, but I bet more people will have liked me than you.


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