This is almost Biblical in nature. A great truth of life is unfolding here. Lindsey Graham stopped being a man of ethics, a man who took a stance and stayed there. He started out on the right side of history, calling Donald Trump a “kook” and predicting doom for the GOP if they embraced him. And then he became Trump’s slavish sycophant, humiliating himself on Fox News by sobbing and begging for money for Trump. Now he’s despised by one and all. The liberals mock him for his unabashed hypocrisy and the right-wing, that he would so love to cultivate, hate him too. We’re not sure of their reasons.

Watch this short clip. Graham is lucky nobody’s got a bag of rotten eggs or this would be the pivotal scene from Elmer Gantry.

It’s going to take more than nervous laughter, Linseed. I don’t feel sorry for the man. I have watched the Graham Cracker disintegrate bit by bit since 2015. Nobody knows what happened to Graham. Hillary Clinton has said that he “used to be good company” and that he was “funny and self-effacing.” I believe that.

Graham was best friends with both John McCain and Joe Biden. That’s a good enough reference for most people. The Bidens don’t talk to Graham anymore.

If he finds himself friendless and alone it’s because he put himself there. You can’t play both sides of the fence and Graham has tried. He truly is like a character from the Bible. A parable could be written about the senator who couldn’t decide which side he was on and tried to be all things to all people. You can’t. You have to be one thing or the other. You have to be true to yourself. Graham has lost himself and sold his soul in the bargain. Now he might lose his senate seat.

The people booing Graham obviously are not impressed that he’s “one of them.” I think they have made their opinion on that point crystal clear.

Let’s see what Graham does with the information. Listening to the unremitting booing pained my ears. I can only imagine being the object of it.

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  1. Poor linseypoo. I would suggest he sashsay back to the state that started the Civil War, but I’m afraid no self respecting gay bar will take him back. No more watching Golden Girls in the high brow gay bar. He can’t even get in the black leather gay bars with a giant neon penis on the wall. Oh my sweetie. What’s a fascist gay man supposed to do to find love? Have you called up putie? I hear he’s lonely and all that shirtless sh*t smells of closet homophobia. He and you could use a ‘friend’ in these trying times! Good luck sweetheart!

  2. When Li’l Lindsey Lickspittle made his 180 towards Trump, I figured he’d just simply fallen hopelessly in love with that big swaggering orange-tinged hunk of a liar and braggart. So in love that he didn’t mind too much that Donald was already in a submissive relationship with Vladimir. Poor Lindsey: love hurts real bad sometimes.

  3. Lindsey probably saw himself as “Pip” Pirrip from “Great Expectations,” especially after becoming Trump’s great pal, but he’s turned out to be Miss Havisham instead.

  4. Yeah, Lindsey gave up being a man about 2015. Shortly after he lost the primary to the orange toadstool. I still can’t believe people in America could be that stupid. Trump was a lifelong criminal. He was nothing but a carnival barker but he convinced everyone he had the best ideas. His ideas was to sit on his hands as far as the economy went and let Baraks economy run. That’s the problem with putting an idiot in charge. They have no idea what to do when it all goes south.


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