Well, they have wrapped things up at Charlie Kirk’s “Turning Point USA” convention in Tampa, Florida, and what a wild and wacky weekend it was, with stellar guest speakers such as ex- President Shitforbrains, Shitforbrains Jr., Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Haulin’ Josh Hawley and of course the Colorado Cuckoo herself – Lauren “BoBo” Boebert.

Yeah, only the best turned out to regale the every day folk,you know, the regular GOP voters…

…that turned out to cheer on their heroes.

And, a favorite of mine, Aaron Rupar, was there also, to document the stupidest of the stupid…

Like Matt Gaetz… being the biggest asshole of the show…

Shitforbrains Sr. still pissed that The NY Times won Pulitzers for their Trump/Russia coverage…

With an assist from Acyn, Shitforbrains Jr. babbling incoherently…

And my favorite Lauren Boebert denying she’d schtupped Ted Cruz…

Really, BoBo, not even once?





Well, I think you…er… put all that to bed, Lauren.

Now deny you are an idiot.

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  1. I dunno. The argument against the escort thing is the amount of abject stupidity one would have to endure just to get laid. It reminds me of Shawshank where Andy had to crawl through 500 yards of shit to freedom. Of course it’s piggy unkempt, cowardly Cruz we’re talking about. They seem like a lovely couple.


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