I hope that the china in the White House is built to withstand Twitter storms, because I see a Category 5 formulating once Fox News’ Viewer in Chief gets wind of this latest heresy. Jenna Ellis will want to sue when she sees this one, for sure. Talk about defamatory, these numbers are insulting — oh, wait. The truth is an absolute defense to defamation. Darn.

It looks like it’s over to OAN and hard core conspiracy theory from Russian TV for Trump. And that is where he belongs. I can’t wait to see how Hannity, Pirro, and Ingraham spin this as a good thing.

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  1. Oh to be a fly on the wall to witness the tantrums taking place in the WH tonight! I can imagine Trump’s tiny, stubby fingers jabbing the buttons on his phone and DEMANDING to speak directly to the Murdochs. And being denied, which will prolong the epic tantrums.

    • Seems as though the Murdoch’s have decided to somewhat neuter Agent Orange for the time being. His hands will probably shrink two sizes from this 😉

  2. If Faux Noise starts telling the truth, (to cover themselves for when Dimwit Donny loses ?), who can his followers turn to?
    How are they going to convince anyone that the onanists at OAN are the true, patriotic Americans when their stories come with a Russian accent?

  3. Who are these 12% undecided? How can any living breathing human not know what side they are on? Are they just Republicans that don’t like Trump? Are they Democrats that just don’t like Biden?

    • A substantial number of them aren’t really undecided, but know that responding that way to the main polling firms will get them on a list of people that are called to take part in focus groups.

      And more importantly (to them) maybe get them on national Tee-Vee, especially during the Presidential Debates. IOW they are hoping for their fifteen minutes of fame. You’ve seen these (used) ass wipes being interviewed, hemming and hawing about why they haven’t been able to make up their mind even though they are leaning strongly to one candidate or another. What’s really fucked up is how so many of them keep trying to milk it for another shot on Tee-Vee! You can just tell they are lying through their teeth when they claim they STILL haven’t made up their minds, even though they heard the things they said ahead of time they wanted to hear but come up with lame-ass crap like “I just needed to hear a “little more” to make up my mind!”

      I always call bullshit at my own TV when I see/hear this drivel.

      Undecided? Now, I don’t doubt there are folks out there who are super pissed that say Bernie didn’t get the nomination and don’t know whether to go ahead and vote for Biden or a third Party candidate as a “protest” vote. On the GOP side there are some who have never in their life voted for a Democrat and are afraid they will spontaneously burn to ashes in the voting booth if they do so this time but they also want the old GOP back – the one that knew how to talk in dog-whistles and not piss off Independents. So they are probably looking at the possibility of a write-in or a third Party candidate as well.

      But I still say most of them know by now what they intend to do, and that the bulk of “undecideds” are hoping to get interviewed by focus groups and maybe get on TV at least locally or in their state, if not on national TV.

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