It’s yet another day when I wonder if my computer is haunted, or perhaps pulling data from another dimension. It can’t be possible, can it, that you all are seeing this? Which would per force mean that this is “real” because we all agree that we’re awake and the evidence of our eyes and ears is that we just heard Kimberly Guilfoyle say to Alina Habba, “Please get my fiance and his brother off” — followed by a dazzling display of fireworks?

What’s that you say? Let’s ask for a definition of terms? Splendid idea. There are different ways to interpret the phrase, “get somebody off,” and of course, we here on this website have our minds in the gutter, at least according to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who used to accuse the White House Press Corps of same.

Especially followed by fireworks. Yeah, Kim, Alina will do that for you. Do you think Lara will mind her helping out Eric? Probably not. Lara’s probably too busy trying to find a big record producer who will make her a country western star. This next comment of Alina’s is interesting.

You may recall that Alina Habba and Donald Trump got sanctioned $1 million for bringing a specious, frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. Habba was bragging about that in Florida at the MAGA convention this past weekend, where Steve Bannon was strutting around talking about all the “winning” Trump is doing.

He doesn’t seem to be winning cases too well. He has indictments stacked up against him like airplanes over a black star airport. But hey, he’s got Alina and so does Eric and Junior. And she’s going to get them all off, right? In some sense of that term, right?

Again, I’m no defender of Christopher Kise, but at least he’s not a right-wing media star (or maybe I should say “yet”) and he’s not accompanying Trump to sporting events.

Isn’t it tragic that Lauren Boebert didn’t go to law school? I would truly love to see her become part of Trump’s crackerjack defense team. And I’ll bet she could get Eric and Junior off, too. No question in my mind. Oh, wait, you meant LEGALLY? Oh, hell no, in that case. If Eric and Junior need either Alina or Bobo to get them off legally, then they are well and truly screwed.

Maybe they could become jailhouse lawyers, ya spose? Study law while behind bars and figure out how to do their own appeals, while making wine in the toilet. Sounds like a fine future. If it was a future that I had in front of me, but for the intercession of legal minds like Alina Habba’s, I would never sleep another wink, I’ll tell you what.


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  1. I’ll admit to wondering if get them off was a double entendre. Being of a twisted mind I flashed to a “getting off” moment from South Park’s Overlogging episode:

  2. Well, if Don Junior and Eric are really stupid enough to “hire” Habba-doo for their legal issues (which are pretty much tied up with Daddy Dearest’s issues), I hope they enjoy their prison stints because Daddy Dearest’s first and foremost loyalty is to himself and everyone else is absolutely disposable. I wouldn’t put it past Trump the Older to get on the stand and commit perjury if it meant saving his fatback, even if the “testimony” put his putrid spawn behind bars for life.

  3. My mind was going in another direction. I have to get it out of the gutter. Perhaps she could get Don Jr and Eric off. Stranger things have happened.

  4. Kimberly obviously doesn’t care if Trump is trimmed a cool quarter billion. But how she thinks Habba could prevent the boys from being part of the judgement is a mystery. They are Trump org employees and what happens to the organization happens to them.


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