Add Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend to the list of people the J6 Committee has subpoenaed or intends to. That occurred Friday afternoon when Kimberly Guilfoyle was being interviewed by the Committee and she ended the interview, tweeting out a statement written by her lawyer, that Adam Schiff and others were using the interview as a publicity stunt to damage Donald Trump.


Guilfoyle agreed to meet “exclusively” with counsel for the select committee, the lawyer Joseph Tacopina said in the statement.
But House members who sit on the committee have consistently been present in interviews conducted by the panel.
A source familiar with the Guilfoyle meeting told CNN there were no ground rules for the interview. The source said Guilfoyle is “pretending to be outraged.”
Faux outrage is the way these people live.


Interesting that this showed up in this Twitter thread, because this is the latest breaking scandal. Speculation is happening whether any of the top secret documents which went to Mar-a-Lago were copied. If they were copied and then if they went to foreign agents, that would put an entirely different spin on the matter. That’s called espionage.

Something caused Guilfoyle to go into faux outrage and end the meeting. I’m not saying that she knew anything about espionage or that the j6 Committee was going to ask her anything about that. I am saying that there are multiple stories breaking about Trump and his circle, of which Guilfoyle is an intimate part, and she wanted to get out of the room, no matter what it took. So she made up an excuse to become outraged and leave.

I am saying that the heat is on for these people.

We’ll see what happens next. If she defies the subpoena then she may join Steve Bannon on the indictment list.


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  1. What’s the point of a toothless indictment? Bannon was indicted how long ago? Yet, he’s still free and still broadcasting his BS. It’s time we saw some of these traitors actually go to prison!

    • It’s embarrassing how many people are willing to throw due process to make themselves feel better. Either you believe in the rule of law or you don’t. In the case of “don’t”, far too many people only pretend like they do when it’s not their blood enemies. When folks on OUR side do that, it tells the righties that you’re of the same mindset they are, just opposite values. Is that you want?

      As to Bannon, need I remind anyone how much epic fail this man accumulates in the same manner Trump does debt?

        • Anybody starts talking like the other side’s got the right idea on this stuff gets the same rhetorical back of my hand, no exceptions. We’re supposed to be better people so we best ACT like it. Otherwise, we are everything they think we are.

  2. The rich & powerful go to jail? That would mean the law isn’t a sham sending poor people to jail for laws that can’t be justified, while allowing the rich to do whatever they like without consequences. Why they even get rewarded with status, money & power. Silly you.

  3. She apparently didn’t think committee members would be asking questions. I guess she never noticed that some of them have experience as lawyers.

    • Some members of Congress are top flight lawyers. I wouldn’t want to be a guilty party interrogated by the likes of Adam Schiff or Katie Porter. I love Porter and her white boards. The woman’s mind is so precise. If every member of the House was on her level we would be living in a different country.

      • Porter for president. Of course the problem is how an uneducated mass of mindless consumers could tolerate a president that smart & focused. No. We’d rather have a fake president like frump cuz God knows suicide is faster than the slow process of living. Fascists for Christ!

      • Your take on Schiff and Porter are right on the money … accusations of misconduct against them are totally weird, they are so careful and precise in everything they say and do … so, this is just wasted breath from a drug-induced idiot …

        The possibilities of espionage ARE on my mind, Trump’s totally wrong, losing the sanctity of hands-on control of access to documents, along with his constant blabbing of secrets like the Israel agent info he blasted directly to Russian agents in the Oval office … there WAS enormous opportunity to broadcast any or all of those documents, via high speed copier, to ANYONE …

        Trump WAS and STILL IS the biggest and most STUPID loser in the whole world …

  4. This stupid c&*T has no idea what these committees do. There is no “hijacking”. The committee asks questions and she answers them PERIOD. What did this twat think; she had her own personal little stage to spew her crack inducted nonsense? Poor Jindal! He was so prophetic. lmao


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