The New York Daily News is reporting that Claudia Conway, the 15-year-old daughter of George and Kellyanne Conway, announced Saturday night, “i’m devasted [sic] that my mother is actually speaking at the RNC. like DEVASTATED beyond compare. I’m officially pushing for emancipation.” That may have been the wake up call, or the straw that broke the camel’s back. It seems to me that there have been enough calls to awaken the dead. Here’s what husband George had to say.

So those are parting shots from George Conway.

Without wanting to sound like Rona Barrett, George and Kellyanne Conway are the most fascinating couple in Washington, D.C., being on polarized ends of the cultural divide. It would appear that daughter Claudia decided to agree with her father.

I have no desire to get into the Conways’ personal business. I wish them all well. It would be fascinating if Kellyanne would choose to share with us all sometime in the future, when all the dust has cleared, what exactly prompted her to pursue a course of blind devotion to Donald Trump, when her husband and daughter were so opposed to him. not to mention over half the country. It would be an interesting story. If anybody has a tell-all book waiting, it’s the Conways. They are straight out of the You Can’t Make This Shit Up file. Nobody would believe a couple like George and Kellyanne could even exist. Only in Trump world.


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  1. Between this and the news about Falwell, I feel like I’m living in some kind of weird fictional world. But it’s all good: it’s righting world that’s a clusterfuck right now, and this isn’t good for Trump and his minions.

    • It’s like I wrote yesterday, Anastasia: what we’re seeing is the mask coming off these people (ironically from people who belittle the wearing of masks for COVID). And that only happens at the end of the party. 20th Century America is writing its final chapter as we speak.

    • Has anyone tried throwing water on her? It worked for Dorothy. Or maybe she needs a hammer & stake. Poor George remembers her when she was human, so he can’t bear to do it. Slink back into the darkness.

    • I trust the kid’s pain. And it’s hardly as though Cruz or the Mercers could get much more use from her vis-a-vis Trump. So why not cut her loose a few months early?

          • Unbelievably, some of these Tik Tok “influencers,” in their teens and early 20s, make six-figure incomes — often high six figures. It pays, if you strike a chord with people.

    • The Mercers tried with some success to be behind the scenes (major) influence in conservative politics. Control had been passed mostly to Rebekah Mercer prior to the 2016 campaign and Ted Cruz was their guy, as he’d push for their economic, but more importantly RWNJ dominionist/prosperity gospel agenda. Once Trump had gotten the nomination sewed up and Cruz had dropped out the decision was made to get on board with Trump, and the sudden departure of Manafort combined with THEIR kind of guy as VP (Pence is as weak and malleable as they figured Trump would be but with Pence he’d play the game in a manner that would come across better to the masses) gave them an opening to install their own operatives – not just KellyAnne but Bannon too.

      I’d be willing to bet they, and Rebekah in particular were thrilled when Access Hollywood happened and there was talk of dumping Trump. Alas, their Bannon dawg turned around and bit them and Trump stuck it out – no doubt the catalyst for his eventual falling out with them which was a much bigger blow than getting tossed from Team Trump. They still had KellyAnne however, and likely hoped that even if Access Hollywood didn’t keep Trump out of the WH that he’d self-implode at some point and they’d still wind up with their guy Pence. As with Access Hollywood, the Russia scandal exploded and Mueller was appointed and hopes ran high, only to again be dashed.

      I can’t remember where, but I read a piece at least a year ago that did a deep dive into the Mercers, and particularly Rebekah and her desire to be a major behind the scenes shot-caller in GOP politics. She didn’t cooperate as I recall but people who were credible and knew her and the family well provided enough to paint a picture. Rebekah seems to have envisioned herself as Clark Clifford squared, or even cubed. For starters. Having seen how lobbyists would literally write legislation the GOP would push, she figured why should she be a person who could directly give an actual President orders and not have to deal with the legislative branch at all on many things? Clearly, she didn’t like Trump but since he’s so prone to manipulation via flattery she figured controlling him including reigning in his outrageous behavior which harmed conservative goals as much (or more) than it helped advance them would be easy. Like so many others she eventually came to realize, and confided in others it had been a fool’s errand and an expensive one at that. I’m sure she’s been regrouping and I’m haunted by history as in back when Ralph Reed and all those Christian Coalition types became disillusioned with Reagan and seriously contemplated pulling the plug on organized work on behalf of the GOP. They got a lot but not nearly what they wanted or expected. Sadly, they regrouped and improved their tactics.

      That’s what I fear from Mercer and her family.

      Before I turn in at night I usually check in here and over at DK and while this news hadn’t turned up here at that point it was the first one up on the right hand side of the page over there so I wrote a comment which brought some of this up. Since it’s here now I figured I’d add my two cents on PZ, and especially emphasizing the fact that KellyAnne wouldn’t have been on Team Trump and I believe stuck around when others would have left if not for Rebekah Mercer installing her there. Maybe Conway, like Bannon has been (ableit more quietly) cut loose by Rebekah Mercer which again leads me to think what I said last night over on kos which is that SHE is “Anonymous” and the WH now knows it or strongly believes it and wants her gone. Without a high paying gig with the Mercers Conway and her hubby could be in major financial trouble fighting off legal problems Barr would create for them should Trump order him to do so.

      You might not think Trump would let her off so easily, but the guy is a survivor and while he WILL one day try and extract his pound of flesh in revenge even he knows a scandal as big as Conway being outed as Anonymous or even a source for multiple other damaging stories about him and his administration is something he just can’t afford between now and election day. He’s betting or hoping he’ll survive (again) and will go about destroying the entire Conway family once he’s safely gotten himself another four years in office. For now however, a mutual “cease and desist” agreement complete with an NDA has been reached and the business with the Conway’s eldest daughter seeking emancipation from her parents provided the perfect cover. WE might have only just learned about it but being fifteen her parents (and therefore Trump) have known for days if not longer this was coming.

      So Conway will appear this week for one last song of praise to Trump to present a literal fake news “united front” and then by mutual agreement she AND her husband will fade away for the next few months.

      • Trump WAS a survivor only by virtue of having someone else bail him out. If that net is now missing like I suspect it is, then there is no survival to be had.

  2. It has been a dystopian existence, at best. But, all things said I do love what The Lincoln Project is presenting. If this is true and proper reporting I wish all involved the best.

    • As someone who grew up in a hellscape that only abusive junkies can create, I don’t want to even think what the kid is going through.

  3. I remember being 15 and inhabiting a familial wasteland of my own. Having an abusive junkie father will do that. Poor kid…regardless of what I think of her folks, she’s the biggest loser in her family vis-a-vis the Trump situation. Wherever this goes, I hope she ends up in a good place and gets the help she needs.

  4. It’s called paid political prostitution. That’s why she did what she did. She got paid. Take the position her pimp/s told her to. Bada bing, bada boom. Chickens coming home to roost. Her 15 year old daughter can’t take it anymore. Think about it. One’s own mother, lying, manipulating, and worse and you have to watch it, hear it and deal with any fallout amongst your friends. No trust in your own mother. Mama and daddy have some shit to answer for.

  5. 2020 Election Already Stolen?
    Yes, Says Top Investigator Greg Palast In his latest book How Trump Stole 2020 – The Hunt for America’s Vanished Voters, investigator Greg Palast kicks the leaves upon the ground to uncover a sordid plan to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming November election. Published by Seven Stories Press and illustrated by Ted Rall, the book begins with a review of Donald Trump’s modus operandi in 2016 and warns that “unless we wise up, 2020 will be déjà vu all over again.”
    Palast gives a case-by-case explanation of several of Trump’s tactics, mainly aimed at eliminating black voters in the Old South. For instance, 340,134 Georgians were purged from the voter lists incorrectly. Writes Palast, “More than a third of a million wrongly purged – in this one state. The list was more than 74 percent wrong. Three out of four.

      • I don’t care to hear ANYTHING Palast has said Ince 2004. I wonder if he’s still looking for the millions of “missing” ballots he claims would have proved that Bernie won the 2016 California primary. He should just go keep looking for them.

    • Palast is a wacky election conspiracy theorist, possibly the most unreliable person to claim to be an elections expert, along with Brad Friedman and Bev Harris (but he’s worse). Fifteen years ago, he arguable had some points to make but everything he’s said in the last decade s suspect and based on faulty information.

  6. The kid tweeted WHY her mother his promoting deliberate disinformation to help a soon to be dictator. ‘Wealth and fame. That’s all’. She actually tweeted that Aug 22


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