As I posted earlier today, Michael Flynn is ginning up the lunatic fringe. I speculated what that might be about, that the Big Lie is ready to shift gears, and now something plausible has come up on radar. Again, we don’t do CT here, but conjecturing on the next loony maneuvers of Trump and cabal can take you some strange places, because these people live in unreality and they have zero compunctions about dragging this country down and through the mud.

What are they talking about, you are wondering? Here’s one guess.

Now, from listening to this you can see that the purpose of the rally will be to throw January 6 down the memory hole and make it into something else. Evidently the new ground zero of the culture war is going to be the un-insurrection. How they’re going to pull this off I haven’t a clue, but we’ll see.

It makes sense only insofar as taking the heat off of audits and reinstatement as ground zero. That’s not going to happen. Reinstatement has got to go away and Trump needs to get some new talking points. So the big pivot now needs to be against the perverse Democrats, who are called communists routinely nowadays and the illegal incarceration of innocent tourists. Yes, I know it sounds insane. This is conjecture on my part. I’m trying to imagine how it sounds to a MAGA.

I don’t see how they’re going to pull this off any better than they pulled off the Arizona audit, but as you well recall, that was fodder for OAN and Newsmax for literally months. Many GOP luminaries stopped by and fought with members of the press and vowed to begin audits in their own states.

And by the time of this great MAGA fest in the fall, we will be more than a month out from Lindell’s debacle in Sioux Falls.

Feel free to kick in your own two cents. This is not logic, it’s certainly not factual analysis, it is speculation on where the cuckoo birds are going to roost next. The sky’s the limit.

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  1. I wonder how many of them will have Delta by then? A lot of the people they’re trying to stir up aren’t vaccinated. And Braynard’s congresscritters may be dealing with legal problems of their own.

  2. Like attracts like. It’s a fascist who’s who party in 2021 US politics. Guaranteed there’s undercover FBI agents making note of all of Putin’s FSB agents attending & recording what everyone says. This is classic Nazi (Goebbels) propaganda tactics. Blame and demonize the opposition for everything you’ve done and are planning to do, hoping that your next planned attempt at overthrowing the US will be more successful (it won’t).

  3. Let them keep on digging up the dirt that they’ve been trying so hard to use to cover up the January 6 insurrection. you’d think they would’ve learned by now that when you’re in a hole the important thing is to stop digging. I believe all they’re doing is just giving the Democrats more ammunition for the 2022 elections.

  4. ‘I’m trying to imagine how it sounds to a MAGA.’ Really, Ursula? I don’t think you’re bat-sh*t crazy enough to accomplish such a feat. None of us are.

    But should they try another insurrection at the capitol, my hope is this time we are better prepared (we will be), and that our LEO’s aren’t so stingy with the ammunition. I don’t understand why only one person, a woman at that, was the only terrorist to be killed, given what we saw and heard that day. Granted, the troops were badly outnumbered, but still. This time we have a functional government that will respond appropriately, we should have enough boots on the ground, and I doubt the right-wing nut mfer’s will be unarmed in a second go-round. Jeez, that we’ve reached such a time and place in our history that we have to contemplate such things. tRump’s master is just loving this insanity running loose in our country.

  5. Oh boy. The magats will be infesting the Capitol again. whee. If there is a legal way to deny them a permit for THIS insurrection that would be the best thing to do. Barring that, make good and damned sure all the cameras are working, have sufficient fire power waiting, and take the little f*ckers out for good this time. And aim really, really good at that litlle sh*t flynn.

    Had enough of this crap back in December with the orange sh*t-gibbon whining about bull-sh*t. It has gotten to be criminally insane and needs to be taken care of permanently.

  6. Moderator’s note: Rants, including those that contain insults, name calling, suggesting performing certain anatomical impossibilities and even “good riddance” comments when certain people we don’t like die are one thing – even when in very poor taste. Free speech. However, more than once you’ve crossed the line calling for actions meant to kill people and more specifically going “wild west” shootout stuff. That’s not protected speech – it’s incitement to violence. Knock it off and/or tone it down or instead of deleting the comments stronger, more permanent steps will be taken


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