Lady Karma is a bitch and so am I. I was taught as a girl that one should never gloat over the misfortunes of others, even enemies, but that lesson never took. I love it when bad things happen to bad people. Convicted murderer Derek Chauvin was knifed in prison Friday night. The surprising thing about that is that it scarcely made a ripple in the news world. Various outlets have confirmed the reporting of the Associated Press and New York Times but the attitude is largely one of indifference in media world.

Not so with Twitter. Twitter contains comments like, “Is the knife alright?” On a serious note, it is a bit barbaric to be cackling when a man has been stabled but in the case of Derek Chauvin, he literally tortured a man to death in the street. And he would have gotten away with it, too, had not a passerby videotaped the murder. This passerby was a 17-year-old girl at the time and she received a Special Pulitzer for capturing the scene on tape. Again, Lady Karma had her say. And Chauvin’s lies were no better than Lauren Boebert’s about what happened that day. Lady Karma doesn’t like Bobo, either. Now onto Rittenhouse:

If that’s not evidence of premeditation, I wish somebody would show me a better example. Rittenhouse was looking for somebody to open fire on. Preferably Blacks, but anybody would do.

Fast forward to today, evidently Rittenhouse is broke. The Independent:

But, despite his infamy, Mr Rittenhouse’s lawyer has revealed the 20-year-old has lost all his money since his acquittal.

“He is working, he is trying to support himself. Everybody thinks that Kyle got so much money from this. Whatever money he did get is gone,” lawyer Mark Richards told Court TV.

“He’s living, I don’t want to say paycheck to paycheck, but he’s living to support himself. Obviously, as his lawyer and somebody who I want to do well, I hope he does re-engage in his studies.

“But right now he is working full-time, he is living a law-abiding life and he is doing something that he enjoys.”

Mr Rittenhouse has previously been open about his financial situation, appearing on Fox News to plead for donations to his legal fund.

Despite being acquitted in criminal court, the 20-year-old is currently facing a lawsuit filed by John Huber, the father of Anthony Huber.

The story goes on to say that “he has raised $250,000 in donations for a legal defence fund to fight the lawsuit.” That’s a lot of scratch. How can he burn through that kind of cash and be penniless? If that was invested properly, he could be set for life, between the interest on a quarter of a million dollars and any kind of income.

Now this is going to blow your mind. This is a link to a Milwaukee Sentinel article, dated January 28, 2022, where it’s reported that Rittenhouse is to get $1,000,000 of the $2,000,000 bail money which was raised for him. So will somebody explain to me, how this 20-year-old can burn through more money in a couple of years than a lot of people make in a lifetime?

And it’s not discernable what “full-time job” the “broke” Rittenhouse holds. Last I knew, he was a fundraising machine and contemplating some kind of political future. I’m not sure if Rittenhouse’s lawyer is trying for a sympathy plea, and further fundraising, or just what the truth is here. All that is dead certain is that things don’t add up. And that always spells trouble.

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  1. wonder if rottenhaus was just in the neighborhood or
    everyday basic target hunting.🤷🏻‍♂️🤡

    he’s a vigilante with kills under his belt gone unpunished.

    drug stores in my locale get hit hard by shoplifters so much so that
    nearly anything on shelves is locked. only a trumpian extra-judicial
    lunatic would setup target practice over lifted shitty merch.

    cry me some more murder tears.

    • calling him a vigilante implies his actions were in a small way justified. They weren’t. He is a cold-blooded murderer whatever a jury of idiots, his peers, say. I cannot wait to see his future taken away by the civil suits filed against him. If we cannot watch his ass rot in prison, let’s watch it rot in a trailer because that is all he can rent. Better yet, let’s watch him rot living with mommy for the rest of his worthless life.

  2. That video was shot 15 days before the murders. Not only does he think black people should be shot, but they were not posing any kind of threat to him. I guess merely the fact that they were openly carrying weapons was enough. What a state of mind!

    • He’s a punk with a vicious attitude but he became a hero. I would love to know the truth about the money. He may be broke. But then what happened to $1,250,000 in just a few years, is what I want to know.

        • o.j. was also found not guilty. There are murdering cops on the streets, still cops b.t.w., also found not guilty. On the flip side there are way too damned many p.o.c. in prison who are innocent. Juries are not all-knowing and all-seeing. Juries are picked by humans, lawyers in fact, so a built-in fallibility exists. It all depends on the jury pool. If you hold the trial in an area favorable to the defendant, or get it moved to one, that can make all the difference. The opposite is also true.

          No, as the saying goes “a group of people not smart enough to get out of jury duty” decided his guilt/innocence. Another trial will also make a determination but this one will not put him away. Again, go back to o.j.

  3. You mention he is facing a lawsuit. So, could he be “broke” so that he will not be sued? So the person suing him thinks he’s not going to get a cent from little fat kyle? My guess would be that this is a big farce put on to get the lawsuit dropped. Once it’s dropped he’ll quit that horrible job and live off the money he has grifted. Just my opinion.

  4. Who hired the little gobshite? I want to know so I can boycott (another Irish word derived from one Captain Boycott who was a gombeen man ( the Irish equivalent of an Uncle Tom)..them.

    • ‘Gombeen’ (gaimbín) is a money lender – you’re confusing it with ‘seoinín’ (shoneen) which is a ‘little John (Bull)’ or as now colloquially in English ‘A West Brit’

  5. Love and agree with the article, especially your first sentence. All the women I know agreed with you from the first sentence forward. (Especially my wife.)

  6. I hope the parents of those he murdered get massive verdicts in civil courts. O.J. got his financial ass kicked–with a civil court jury proving he was a murderer, like Rittenhouse.

  7. Ursula you ask how so much money could have slipped through his fingers and now he’s broke. Well, as a somewhat self-made guy who’s made a very few shekels in 40 years in real estate, combined with a finance degree that means if I really wanted to I could start what I know would become a very successful but very NOT flashy hedge fund, I have the schooling and experience to give you the precise financial nomenclature to explain in a scholarly way WHY and HOW he managed to burn through all that dough: Ritenhouse is dumb as shit!!!

    I hope this helps 🙂

  8. I, too, was taught as a child that no one should gloat over the misfortunes of others. However, there’s nothing wrong with sitting in a front row seat, eating a big sack of popcorn, and watching Karma do its thing with others.


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