Just A Little Something To Look Forward To


Thank you Jesus! They have seen the light!   Jonas Farthingale   Leap Of Faith

Just s little something that I wanted to share with you to brighten your day, and hopefully your mood. I know some of you are getting sick of my rosy outlook towards the result of the 2020 election, and I get that. But with all of the positive news, there is something that nobody else has bothered to mention yet, and I just wanted to share it with you.

By now, if you’re watching television at all, then you are well aware that the early signs going into the election are strong for team Biden. Early mail in balloting is springing with a heavy Democratic tilt, even in Florida, which normally shows a modest GOP advantage in early absentee balloting.

And if you’re watching, you’re seeing record first day turnout in early in person balloting all across the country. Whether in Democratic or GPO held states, lines are off the charts, and people are waiting anywhere from 2-11 hours just in order to exercise their God given right to cast a ballot. Those aren’t Trump supporters you’re seeing out there, they’re largely Biden supporters, and the Biden campaign is busy logging those early votes in the bank. But there’s one thing that you’re not seeing yet.

Let me briefly take you backwards a few months. Let’s look back at the early days of the Democratic primaries, once the voting started. Coming out of Nevada, Joe Biden’s campaign was on life support. He had yet to finish higher than third in any primary. He had all along proclaimed that his firewall was South Carolina. That was where his momentum would turn, and he would start to pick up steam.

Do you remember that? And do you remember what happened in South Carolina? Influential congressman James Clyburn made an impassioned plea to his home town voters, cracked the proverbial whip, and Biden blew the doors off in South Carolina. That victory unlocked a tsunami of African American support for Biden, and he never looked back.

Now, back to the current moment. With all of the positive signs for the Democrats in the early voting stages of this election, do you know what you haven’t seen yet? Here’s a hint. It’s four simple words. Souls To The Polls.

In Ohio, in North Carolina, in South Carolina, in Florida, in Alabama, in Mississippi, in Louisiana, in Texas, Souls to the polls is a long standing black tradition. It means that African Americans go to church, and then, once the services are over with, they hop on board church buses, and are driven over to the polls to cast their votes. And when they’re done, they’re driven back again, often to a pot luck lunch.

And traditionally, the Souls to the polls drives take place in the last two weeks of early voting. I don’t know why, but it just seems to be the way it works out. And with all of the other early voting positive news for the Biden-Harris campaign, that’s the one thing that nobody has remarked on yet, and the sleeping 800 lb. gorilla in the room.

Remember, it was the African American vote that powered Biden to be able to force an early victory in the primaries, starting with his behemoth showing in South Carolina, and following forward into Super Tuesday. And they’re still out there. And if they were motivated to vote in the primaries for Biden, they sure as hell will be motivated to vote for him in the general election. And nobody has even seen them yet. That won’t occur for about two more weeks yet, depending on the early voting rules for the states.

So, that’s my good news for you tonight. They’re out there, And they’re not going anywhere, They’re keeping their powder dry. And while you watch all of the positive results coming out in early voting, just remember one thing. Biden’s strongest base of support hasn’t even reared their heads yet and shown up. But they will. 20 days. GOTV!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. The words “Souls to the Polls” strike fear in the heart of Ohio Republicans. It’s why they tried to shut down weekend voting.

    It’s going to be a little different this year because some of the black churches aren’t holding in-person services while others are very scaled down. But I’ve been hearing that there’s some kind of church-organized ride providing network here in Cleveland. And when I went down to the board of elections to check out first-day voting last week, a significant percent of the long line was Black church-lady types.

    • I just learned the Cleveland’s biggest Black church, Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, which is enormous, is hosting a car caravan called Roll to the Polls tomorrow. That procession should be epic, and it’s much safer than gathering in groups and transporting people in buses.

      “Olivet and the Greater Cleveland Congregation will be hosting a car rally and caravan to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to make our voice heard and cast our absentee ballots in the 2020 election.

      The Car Rally and Roll to the Polls will be held tomorrow, Friday, October 16th starting at 10am here at Olivet in the West Parking lot.

      Join us tomorrow here at Olivet at 10am, bring your car and your ballot to make a difference here in Ohio and in our nation.”

      Not a lot of Trump votes there.

  2. Here in Mississippi I hope Mike Espy drags Biden over the finish line. Espy is within a point, but the polls have Trump ahead at 10 points. We will see. Souls to the polls is a great thing.

  3. More voters turned out in Harris county Texas (Houston) in record numbers for the first two days of early voting, more than 100,000 on each day. (more than Wyoming total votes in the entire 2016 election). Despite all the attempts of republicans to discourage voting people are turning out in waves, and Harris County is strong Biden country.

      • Speaking of Texas numbers, they’re very interesting to me. There are about 4.5 million Republican voters statewide…and that number isn’t growing. Check back 20 years and watch what’s happening to the coalitions as the state ages and grows. It’s not hard to see the trend.

        Popular votes (millions)

        R: 4.26
        D: 4.05
        R: 4.68
        D: 3.88
        R: 4.56
        D: 3.31
        R: 4.48
        D: 3.52
        R: 4.53
        D: 2.83

        This is one of those mathematical,trends that looks mysterious and we might seek explanations – why are the GOP votes stating so level?? It’s just happenstance, I’m sure. The population growth and demographic changes and immigrants to Texas have held everything in balance. There’s no magic, but the red wall looks about ready to collapse.

        • What’s destroying that red wall, Rory, is time. The world adapted and moved. The Republicans did not, despite various warnings (W wanting them to welcome Hispanics, the infamous 2012 autopsy). Now the bill has come due.

  4. Hell no, I’m not getting sick of the rosy outlook, Murf. If anything, what I’ve gotten sick of is the reflex despair of our current situation in the delusion that it will last forever.

  5. Excellent, uplifting article! However… did you just use the term “crack the whip” in an article about black voters? Yiiiiikes. Maybe use a different idiom next time please?

  6. California has had more than 1.7 million ballots returned already – 21.5 million were sent out (that’s all the registered voters). Voting centers won’t open until the 24th, so these are all returned by mail or in drop boxes.

  7. You are so spot on Murf. We have that here in my area too–Maryland/DC/Virginia.

    Last night Joy Reid said something so insightful–she was talking about attacks on Kamala Harris. But then she segued to attacks on Obama. And said, hm, well that would be the quickest way to have everyone black turn out. Everyone. Voter turnout among our Af/Am brethren is already high, but an attack on him? Well, quickest way to get as close to 100% as is possible.
    It is humorous albeit tiresome watching and listening to all the blarney as these folks continue to “shoot themselves in the mouth.” Clearly silence isn’t golden to them, eh?


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