Daddy issues sure do run in this family. Damn. Donald Senior had them with Fred and now Donald Junior has them with Senior. It’s a real love/hate scenario, apparently, where each party wants the other party to love/accept/approve of him and it’s never going to happen. Like oil and water, the best mixture that you can hope for is a temporary emulsion, maybe, but nothing permanent.

This is what Junior posted recently and the image must have come out of his subconscious because how he intended it and how it’s being taken are two different things.

I *think* that Junior intended this as “Daddy is the all powerful one. No matter what’s happening in the universe, he is a part of it, he’s bigger than the biggest event of nature,” something along those lines. But the way it’s being taken is as you saw, yeah, Trump’s blocking the sun, how nice that it will be over soon and we’ll be done.

So far this is backfiring on Junior. Whatever clever comment he thought he was making, it’s apparently going right over the heads of the woke liberals that it was supposed to so tweak. They’re all saying, “Yeah, bring it. A temporary blockage of the sun by Trump and then he’s gone. We’re all in favor of that.”

Here are some terrific Trump family moments. You may have seen some of them. If not, they will blow your mind.

As his cousin Mary Trump opined, Junior never found himself or became his own man. He is living in Trump’s shadow. And *that* is the message of this eclipse symbol, if you want my two cents worth of armchair psychology. The rest of us might live in the normal world, see the sky and bask in the sun, but this is what the world looks like to Don Junior.

Thanks for sharing your neurosis with us, Junior. We hope you get some help while you still can. And maybe we remind you of ETTD, and how you certainly seem to be a poster child for that proposition.

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  1. Well that’s enough of seeking daddy’s approval junior. Back to the coke, booze, and weed. Numbness is your friend…dumbness is your lot in life.

  2. The siblings could keep five therapists busy trying to.undo the damage Daddy Dearest has done to them. An emotionally distant father who only gives disapproval is as abusive as one who physically harms them


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