This is not the picture of a healthy man. Donald Trump, Jr., is the opposite of the Portrait of Dorian Gray. His photos from youth look just fine, it’s the face he presents to the world that shows all his vices. Here he is raving about his podcast. The part I enjoy is that he’s got somebody who will “leak” Devon Archer’s testimony and that’s already being used to line birdcages and wrap fish, Junior, we hate to be the ones to break it to you.

He looks scrawny. He’s not filling out the shirt he’s wearing, it’s hanging on him. At first I thought it was wrinkled, now I think it’s just too big.

Now the following is interesting. I don’t know if it’s true but it certainly sounds plausible. Take it with this caveat. Even though I despise the Trumps, I don’t want to spread falsehoods about them. That’s their game.

Here’s Junior’s fiance for the past five years but who’s counting? And she looks like she’s doing an intro for Only Fans. She is far and away the only “political commentator” who goes on air with her cakes hanging out, so far as I know.

Now this is a GOP power couple you’re looking at, folks. I don’t want to know what the dysfunctional ones look like. Spare me.

I don’t know what Kimberly is going to say about the Deep State but she has my trust if she’s going to speak about deep cleavage. She clearly has expertise there.

My prediction? If Junior doesn’t get help soon, he’s going to be taken to an ER. And maybe that’s already happened. The man is a screaming poster child for intervention.

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  1. A pair of calamitous empty minds cohabitating in a symbiotic relationship, until one rots too much from their very inside whilst the other continues to fester on the former’s compost heap, as a toxic shroom does.


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