This is an interesting video. It’s narrated by Cindy McCain, John McCain’s widow and it depicts “a friendship that shouldn’t have worked” between Senator McCain on one side of the aisle and Senator Biden on the other. It’s charming. It’s guaranteed to get under insult comic Donald Trump’s skin, because these are not the images or emotions of his life, that much is certain.

This is effective. This should impress Republicans of the John McCain stripe, although those people are certain to vote out Trump anyhow. Beyond that, this is an image of what bi-partisanship looks like, and going forward, it’s a good image to have. This country needs to unite, something fierce.

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  1. Beau and John died from gioblastoma. Joe was there for the McCains. John was there for Joe. Humanity despite political differences. 45 is going to be ugly – it’s who he is.

  2. This is the sort of approach I have been lobbying for in both left-wing and right-wing sites. Usually, I get told to buzz off because going high “never works.” As Michelle Obama said so eloquently last night, going high is the only thing that works. The alternative only creates more animosity, and there is not going forward, just more ineffectual emoting.

  3. Although John McCain was born into wealth & married more wealth, he had character. When he had been shot down, breaking his arms & enduring horrible conditions, he was offered a release by the N.Vietnamese when they found out his dad was an admiral. He refused because there were fellow prisoners there first. And first in, first out was the code. He remained in Hell for several more years, 5yrs total. Five years in pure torture. Those of us who have served would gladly follow a man with that kind of character. I did not agree with John politically but he had more character than the entire remaining republican senators & house members. I disagree with Biden on a number of issues, but i know another man of character when I see it with my own two eyes. We can thank Trump for reminding us what a heartless, selfish man is capable of. Lets at least be willing to fight with our one tool, the vote. Vote with a plan. Vote early. Don’t give up until you get heard.

  4. Despite all the complaints about too many Republican getting a bit of time to say why they are supporting Joe Biden, there’s one in particular I’d like to see make a surprise appearance, or at least pop up later – provided she’s willing to go for the throat and say something like:

    Years before I met him my husband John McCain was shot down on a combat mission over Vietnam and taken prisoner. He was tortured for years. At one point, and as a PR stunt because he was the son of an active duty Admiral and the grandson of another he was offered early release from that hell on earth. He refused, unless everyone taken prisoner before him was also released. And he paid for, as Naval Aviators put it “keeping the faith.” What was Donald Trump doing? Partying his way through college and then the New York city social scene, and when he couldn’t pull a deferrment his daddy bought off a doctor to write a letter about fake bone spurs to get him 4F classification and ensuring he’d never have to go into military service.

    John was a good judge of other people, and didn’t let differences of opinion, even strong ones stop him from being friends with people of good character. People like Joe Biden. They truly were the best of friends, and there for each other though the best and worst of times. Joe Biden grieved John’s loss as much as anyone could despite profound political differences. He believed with all his heart my husband was a good man, and I and everyone in my family can and will tell you John felt the same way about Joe. If John were with us, he’d be urging everyone to put country first, and pick a man of good character, who seeks out even people he knows will disagree with him to make sure he’s getting all the information he can before making important decisions. A man who has lived through and overcome the kinds of struggles of a parent losing their job, the loss of loved ones and including their children and yet make the time to comfort others even through their own ongoing grief. No one can honestly say Donald Trump possess any of those qualities. Joe Biden has them in abundance. John might not, and probably wouldn’t agree with all of Joe Biden’s policies. But he would know that in his heart Joe was listening to him and truly considering John’s views in case and maybe using some of them. And most importantly John knew that whatever Joe Biden did, it would be because he believed in his heart it was the best policy for everyone in the country. I’ve known Joe Biden for decades myself, and I agree completely with what I know my husband John McCain thought about Joe. So, I’ll be voting for Joe Biden this fall and I urge you to do so.

    IF she’d be willing to do it I’m sure the Lincoln Project could distill all that down to a hard hitting minute long ad. I sure hope she will. She has to be pissed as hell at Trump, and Lindsay Graham too who it’s now clear was nothing but a fucking groupie who moved on as soon as John McCain was almost dead and therefore no more use to him. And worse, latched on to Donald Trump. Maybe, just maybe with their children grown up and launched into the world Cindy McCain is out of fucks to give and will stick a proverbial knife into Trump’s gut.

    • Cindy McCain just might. She’s still got a couple of bones to pick with the loser. And then again, Megyn McCain might do it also. I think she already did way back when.

  5. I can imagine. Makes me think of and uncle who passed early due to health issues. He could do Rodney Dangerfield. And I don’t mean an impression though his voice was somewhat unique. Most people can do a joke, he could do a routine. I remember many times when he was around especially while his mother was alive that would have us crying to him to stop. Those were the days. And I sure miss them. It just doesn’t get any better. Friends and family. The cure all for what ails you. And I know trumpet will love this. Odd that John and Beau died of the same thing. Hopefully Joe will make up for John. Joe can be the winner trump wanted. Show trump what it’s like to lose in November. John would be proud.


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