Perhaps someone already associated with the sexual abuse of young people should hold their fire and just wait a beat before commenting negatively on a child sexual abuse victim. Particularly as his political party is rapidly identifying itself as the party of child sexual abuse.


Twitter had some things to say:

Hear, hear.





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  1. If there were any justice in the world, the victims of his rapist buddy would wrestle him into a spread eagle position, and introduce him into their trauma, especially since the LAW also looked the other way.

  2. Why would anyone make up story as awful as this 10y/o girl’s? I had no problem believing it. To be a rethug must mean being unable to feel empathy for anyone other than yourself. I hope the DOJ finally ends Gym’s congressional career soonest.

  3. I’d love to meet him so I can look him right in the eye and ask “Do you have to work at being such a huge asshole or does it come naturally to you? I bet my friends it comes natural!”

  4. The Daily Beast reports he has deleted his tweet since the arrest of the perpetrators. No recant. No apology. I stand by my first post & add IF that had been one of my daughters…gymbo would have bigger problems than twitter.


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