Arguing the wrong facts has never been a winning formula for prevailing in a case. But Jim Jordan has been pushing made up ideas for so long, he probably has lost whatever ability he might have once had to distinguish between what is real and what is his spin on it. In this case, he’s gone way off the deep end and this is not going to end well for him.

Jordan subpoenaed former Manhattan assistant district attorney Mark Pomerantz. Here’s a link to the five-page cover letter which accompanied said subpoena.

I especially like the part at the beginning where Jordan claims that prosecuting Donald Trump is setting a bad precedent for future presidents, who may “avoid taking action he believes to be in the national interest because it would negatively impact New York City for fear that he [Jordan could have had the class to say “or she” but didn’t] would be subject to a retaliatory prosecution in New York.” This is the most bat$hit argument I’ve ever read.

Where this investigative trolley of Jordan’s starts to go off the tracks is that he claims that Pomerantz’s remarks about Trump being a narcissist, etc., prove that the prosecution of Trump is political, when in fact what they show is that Pomerantz resigned because he felt that the investigation wasn’t moving fast enough. In his letter, Jordan quotes Alvin Bragg as being “stung” and saying, “the investigation is far from over.” Jordan is basically pleading Bragg’s case for him.

For his part, Bragg has responded to Jordan:

I can’t wait to hear what Pomerantz says. My take on it is that Jordan is going to live to regret subpoenaing this witness, just as he lived to regret the ones that he brought in on his FBI whistleblowers case. That was a farce, too.

This is going to go the way of Hunter Biden’s laptop, the sooner the better. This is a harassment suit, brought by Jordan for that purpose alone, and it’s too shallow and weak to hold any kind of legal water. If anything, Pomerantz will only be able to testify as to how frustrated he felt at the glacial pace that the investigation was gong at the time he resigned. The fact is, Bragg brought the case and it may have taken him “x” amount longer to get it in the shape he wanted before he brought it. This is a wild goosechase.

Let’s watch Jordan make a fool of himself. Again.


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  1. Jordan has no immunity if he steps outside the constitutional authority of Congress and could end up facing charges for obstruction of justice. Bragg has already warned Jordan that he’s out of bounds. All it would take is a criminal complaint to the DoJ, and then Jordan will be the one facing subpoenas.

    • My honest sense of what will happen is that this will be the FBI whistleblowers farce, Take Two. After a few days this will collapse of its own weight. I don’t think it will get too much heavier than that. The GOPers have to do something since they are in “power” and this is it.

  2. So Jordan is going to sit up there (without a jacket of course, thinking that seeing he’s not a fat slob gone to seed like Trump -or me for that matter if we’re being honest- thinking it will be intimidating. It won’t!) and lock horns with a great and experienced attorney. A first-class courtroom litigator who has faced off and won against a LOT of high-priced lawyers over the years. Not just high priced but who also knew their shit. This won’t end well for Jordin. Yes, he can continually interrupt and cut off answers that are flattening the piles of bullshit he (Jordan) is tossing out like a steamroller, and even dismiss his tormentor/witness but he’s gonna look like an incompetent, blowhard fool. To REPUBLICANS! That’s the really stupid part of this. They are already grumbling about their “bigly” committee investigations flopping like a wet sack of cement hitting the pavement after being dropped from a crane. But this is the GOP we’re talking about and despite the hole they’ve dug they’ll keep right on digging!

  3. Having someone as chair of the Judiciary Committee who is not a lawyer and has no idea how our legal system operates is not working out for the rethugs. Gym should probably be on the how to avoid reporting the team doctor for sexual harassment/assault committee, if one exists, as that is the only “skill” he has has demonstrated.

    • He doesn’t know how the legal system works, which is why he thinks his smoke and mirrors investigations are going to bear fruit. He’s incapable of discerning between real evidence and nonsense. As stated, this will be FBI WhistleBlowers The Sequel

  4. he probably has lost whatever ability he might have once had to distinguish between what is real and what is his spin on it – We’re talking Gym Jordan here who turned a blind eye to young men being sexually abused and pretending it never happened. He has no moral compass.


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