The thing that characterizes this decade of the 21st Century and the last half of the last one, is that there are characters in both politics and media which have absolutely no business being in either. And some are in both.

Jeffrey Clark, the Attorney General wannabe, is an example of this phenomenon.

What characterizes Clark and all of these nitwits is that they think that they are legitimate. Listen to what Clark believes is sane political commentary. Then wonder, as I did, whether you could possibly be having a flashback from that acid that somebody put in the punchbowl at that party in the 70’s. Or, maybe Clark is the one having the flashback? Or, maybe he dropped acid before he went in front of the camera to cosplay political pundit?

Well, at least Clark isn’t standing in front of his garage in his underwear. There’s that, I suppose.

And lookey here. Guess who chimed in on Truth Social?

What is Trump’s issue here, that he’s not going to get Mar-a-Lago approved for the next cover of Home Beautiful if he’s thought to be a slob who throws Top Secret documents on the floor?

And here’s a bonus for you: I just got this link sent to me by Daithi, one of our Zoomers here. He thinks that Trumpty Dumpty has snuck back on Twitter. If that’s the case, Truth Social must reallly be getting ready to go dark.

Apparently Twitter agrees with Daithi. Trump is desperate. If he’s making a move like this at a time like this, he is freaking, out of his mind, nail biting, ketchup throwing, Diet Coke can crushing, cockroach befriending, desperate.

Having seen this here, I would not be surprised if the Truth Social hosting provider pulls the plug today or very soon and Trump is left all alone in the dark. That would kill him more than the Mar-a-Lago raid. Believe me, it would. I’ve been writing about Trump a long time, I know his values.


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  1. Yeah Jeff. We thought you were the pinnacle of integrity all along. God. You boys are so clueless its hard to imagine you as a human being.

    • My disillusionment stems from thinking that attorneys who worked for the DOJ are legal gods. Jeff Clark is a dummy. I marvel that he got as far as he did career wise.

      • If you get into a bind a good lawyer is worth their weight in gold. A bad attorney is guaranteed to facilitate a disaster. Too bad so many rise to power to piss on the whole profession.

  2. Yo. Clarke. You DO realize Spiderman is a FICTIONAL character. Don’t You? Or are you one of those asshats who think dinosaurs and humans inhabited our planet at the same time and that The Flinstones was a documentary/sitcom? I only ask because to borrow a common quote from someone you worship “people say” you’re a fucking idiot!

  3. Marvel should sue. If Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and the other liberal Jews who founded Marvel were still here,,they’d have a lot to say. He is more like a third rate villain, a henchman who.wants Doctor Doom.or Doc Oc.

    The cover of the first Captain America featured Cap.punching out Hitler. Pretty sure Stan would have ordained the same fate for Donnie Donuts.***

    *** Weirdest thing on my resume is I wrote book reviews for Tomb of Dracula in the early 80s.


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