Capitol Hill Rioter and GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Ryan Kelly (pictured above in his Ray-Bans) finished a distant fourth place in last night’s GOP primary in Michigan…

… but, per his FaceBook Page, will not be conceding just yet, because… reasons:

Michigan Live

“Ryan Kelley, a GOP candidate in Michigan’s gubernatorial primary race, said he refuses to concede to the new GOP gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon after coming in fourth place in Tuesday’s election…

…“Looks like the ‘testing’ was not testing after all, and it was a release of their preferred and predetermined outcome…NOT CONCEDING!” the post reads.

The “testing” Kelley is referring to in the post is believed to be a test run in which TV stations mistakenly published random election data before the Aug. 2 primary election.

TV stations, and other media, sometimes conduct data tests ahead of every election to ensure computer systems are working properly, but the numbers used were randomly generated and did not reflect actual results from the primary election.“

The winner of the primary, Trump backed Tudor Dixon, is a 2020 election denier herself, and so this may be the first case of GOP election denier on GOP election denier violence in this historic cycle.


Kelly had to be issued a permission slip by The Michigan Court of Appeals to run in last night’s race after having been arrested in June for his part in the January 6, 2021 insurrection.

The appeals court held that as he has not yet been convicted of the charges laid against him, he was as well suited for state government as any of the GOP candidates, and I suppose they are right.

Twitters had some fun with the story:



Kelly is asking for a hand recount of the ballots, which I don’t see happening, but who knows, this cycle is nuts, just look at Arizona.

In any case, I don’t see Kelly going away anytime soon, with 15% of the GOP base in his pocket, he’s got the makings of a nice little cottage industry going there…

If he stays out of jail.

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