Get ready friends, this is what you’re going to see for the next nine months, Donald Trump attempting to cover up his gaffe from the week before and making yet another gaffe in the process. Trump has a vocabulary of about 200 words, according to his former ghostwriter, Tony Schwartz, and the word “interpose” is not one of them.

I believe that the dummy meant to say “transpose.” Probably what happened is somebody on his team told him to use that word in explaining his gaffe but he forgot it and hey, interpose, Interpol, intercourse, I mean whuddya want?

This makes the situation even worse. Trump just should have let it go. But he can’t. It’s like when he altered the path of a hurricane with his Sharpie, he had to show you that he knew where Alabama was, as opposed to Georgia and Florida, and by golly, every word that he utters is deliberate and well thought through. Nobody believes that, Donald, including you.

And this is good. He’s called Joe Biden a crazed lunatic.

There will be more tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after…………

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  1. It’s difficult to keep up with all the latest Trump gaffes, but thank you, Ursula, for giving it the old college try! My favorite, though, will always be “God bless the United Sherrshh.”

  2. “There will be more tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after…………”

    Actually that’s good news. Maybe the local Six O’clock News programs will finally play one of his ramblings so the rest of the country can see what a looney he is. Up til now it’s been President Biden, live, in front of the cameras and looney “…on the campaign trail, trump said…”

    Unless you see & hear the soundtrack, you have NO idea about how truly crazy it really is. Not as frightening in just plain print “reporting.”

  3. He babbles stream of consciousness hate and misogyny. I do not understand why his followers don’t realize that. Of course, they may have an even lower number of words in their vocabulary. Tim.Allen,before he became a right wing shill used a hilarious routine in which he satirized that sort of male, using a lot of grunts and monkey noises. He was,right in the 90s, but in the present.


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