It’s not immigration. It’s racism, pure and simple. And children WILL die.


My daughter is sick.

Relax, she’s not really sick. But what was the first thing that went through your head when you read that? I’m betting it was something along the lines of, “Oh, that poor guy!” There’s nothing worse than a sick child. I hope she’s alright.” Because even if you don’t have children of your own, you have friends or family members that do, and you know how everything just flat out stops when there’s a sick child in the family. An the worse the illness, the more regular life grinds to a stop.

Rachel Maddow has done not only an outstanding job, but a national service in breaking the story of the unannounced change in Trump policy that is threatening to kick literally thousands of immigrant children who are receiving critical, life saving treatment, out of the country. And we’re not just talking about undocumented immigrants here, many of these children and their parents are here with permission of the U.S. government, under a program called the Medical Deferred Action program, which allows them to stay. And the Trump administration seems to have woken up one morning and decided, “Fuck it. That’s enough of that.” They are literally dispensing death sentences to juveniles via the U.S. postal service.

As you can imagine, it’s not hard to see why the Trump politburo decided not to publicize this change in policy. Even as self contained racist as Stephen Miller, the Dr. Josef Mengele of the Trump administration, realized that this might stir up a little controversy. The truly astounding thing about this is that these imbeciles apparently thought that somehow or other, these families wouldn’t fight back, nor would their doctors or lawyers. They would just get the letter, pack up their sick children, cop a flight back home, make funeral arrangements, and nobody in the U.S. would ever be any the wiser.

You know, there’s a reason why nasty, sadistic, pasty-faced little trolls like Stephen Miller have had sand kicked in their faces at every beach they’ve ever stepped on, or heckled out of every bar they ever walked into. There’s just something wrong about them, something broken inside that people can instinctively sense, and they not only don’t want to know them, they don’t want them anywhere in the same area code.

This is the problem with putting a pure sociopath in a position of power. Donald Trump has no concept of empathy, he feels nothing for anyone but himself. If the last eight months or so have shown us nothing else, they have shown us how much of a debt we owe to men like Rex Tillerson, H.R. McMaster, and James Mattis. Think of where we would be if they hadn’t been there for as long as they were, either talking Trump out of his worst, more feral instincts, or finding ways to circumvent them. You can trace some of the degeneration of Trump to the departure of the Jarvanka “old hands,” and the increase in influence of mentally defective sycophants like Stephen Miller, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and Mick Mulvaney.

The problem with socially retarded mutants like Trump is that they’re magnets for kindred spirits. It’s only natural that social outcasts with no moral compass like Stephen Miller, Rob Porter, and Jeffrey Epstein would feel completely at home with a man who finds them natural companions, having no moral compass of his own. Remember, Adolf Hitler could be as batshit crazy as he liked, as long as he was under controlled conditions. It was only when the guard rails were removed, that he and his like minded henchmen were free to act on their base desires.

That’s the whole problem right there in a nutshell, control. As much as human guard rails like Tillerson, McMaster and Mattis did, that wasn’t in their job description. That duty belongs to the Republican party in congress. And almost to a man, they have abdicated their constitutional oath of office, and gone AWOL. The few principled men like Charlie Dent, Bob Corker, and Jeff Flake, who dared to defy Hair Twitler, left in frustration when no one took their backs.

This is about to get interesting. After two solid nights of Rachel Maddow spotlighting this nationally, today it hit the front page of the New York Times. The lid is off of this particular can, and the stink is strong enough to plant beans in. Democratic senators and representatives have already contacted the Trump administration to try to find a just resolution to this. I would be surprised if a legislative fix for this policy were not a first grade priority in the House when they return next week. And if that happens, it is going to be a watershed moment for Mitch McConnell and his Senate caucus. McConnell has openly boasted of his reputation as The Grim Reaper. Shortly, he may have the opportunity to live up to that reputation. Literally. And if that happens, God will have no mercy on his soul.

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