I chose the above image because it reminded me of the reptiles in red uniforms in “V.” Actually, that would go a long way towards explaining Kellyanne’s behavior, she’s not of this worldd. Be that as it may, she must be a glutton for punishment because she still keeps making the same mistake. She’s taken on Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and now Ayanna Pressley — and other “fresh-women” as they categorizes them. These are the results.
.@KellyannePolls oh hi Distraction Becky. Remember that time your boss tore babies from their mothers’ arms and threw them in cages? Yeah take a seat and keep my name out of your lying mouth. https://t.co/dS8saIssX8
— Ayanna Pressley (@AyannaPressley) July 9, 2019
Pressley is spot on. It’s vintage Kellyanne Conway to ignore the big issue at hand, and find some way to cheapen or sensationalize what has taken place. Her other tool is to trivialize a given matter, such as today when she said that the only reason Alex Acosta was being criticized was as some backdoor diss of Donald Trump — as if it’s all about Donald Trump, which in his view, and probably hers as well, it is.
Here’s last weeks dust up.
Also @KellyannePolls, maybe you actually do your job and show up to a Congressional hearing next time you want to talk to me.
After all you, you ran away and skipped out on Oversight committee last week, just to call into Fox and Friends instead. ??♀️ https://t.co/IzWJKWUxaN
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 3, 2019
Kellyanne Conjob should wake up and smell the coffee. These women are not going to lie down and be walked upon. They’re going to stick to facts and not debate twisted Fox News headlines. Nobody is more concerned about the situation at the border then AOC, Pressley, and other members of the freshman class.
The total irony here is that Conway is the one fomenting cat fights, not the other women. Conway started in with Nancy Pelosi weeks ago, and Pelosi said, “I’ll speak to the president, not staff.” To which Conway said, “That’s so pro-woman of you.” Pelosi doesn’t have the time nor the inclination to waste commentary on a Fox News talking head, whose self-importance far and away outreaches her knowledge of anything political. If Conway was in fact a knowledgeable adviser and not a paid propagandist, of course Pelosi would have spoken with her. Pelosi has gotten where she is by seeking input from a wide variety of sources. She knows how politics works, are you kidding?
Bottom line, all of this is projection on Conway’s part. She’s the one with the Queen Bee complex, not Pelosi, Pressley or AOC. Pelosi has already forgotten more about government than Conway will ever know, and the other two women are where they are because they have made it their business to be on top of issues and fight the good fight. Conway should just zip it — but it’s highly doubtful that will occur. Or, maybe we could sprinkle her with some of that pink dust that got rid of the aliens?
The most suitable epithet I’ve heard describing her…
Sewer Rat Barbie.
Sewer Rat Barbie is who she is. And trailer trash with cash describes the Trumps. That’s how it be.
She needs attention like a toddler. These women will smack her down every time. She isn’t used to it, she better start.
I don’t want to sound like Rona Barrett, but my God, how does she live with her husband? Every freaking day he’s on Twitter blasting Trump. Either they’re a couple who are playing both sides of the fence and in the end they’ll be counting their money on the beach and laughing at how they played us all, or they have some strange marriage that I don’t even want to imagine. I couldn’t live with a MAGAt for ten minutes and I’m sure a MAGAt couldn’t live with me, either.
I’ll take “playing both sides”, same as Carville and Matalin.
It has to be that. That way they can still participate in decent company after the curtain rings down on this farce. Kellyanne can just demurely say, “I should have listened to George,” and he can smile and say, “I had to let her do her thing,” and they’ll be the perfect couple. Fade to black.
Put it this way, Ursula. If your scenario was applied to me, either me or the MAGA maggot would have to leave…one way or the other.
Feet first, if necessary.
I didn’t think it was possible but I do believe that you just insulted the lizards in “V”. I’m of the suspicion that she feeds on something far more horrific than rats.
No, I’ll stand by it. I think she feeds on other sewer rats. She’s Sewer Rat Barbie, after all.