I’ll be honest. People are my favorite animals. They are by nature docile and friendly, which makes them perfect for animal husbandry. But the best part of people is that they are all unique. Try and point out the difference between any two dairy cows, or sheep. You can’t. But try to find any two people who are identical. It’s a fools errand.

I’ve spent my life people watching. I love them all. Before my vision made it difficult for me to travel, I used to go down to the Strip, find a bench, and just watch the show. People are endlessly fascinating. Their clothes, their accents, their body motions, everything about them is a kaleidoscope of what makes us the greatest country in the world. For the simple reason that they are all free to be who and what they are.

But over the last few years I have noticed something. I have started to notice that not all of a sudden, but over the course of several years, one particular group of people have started to stand out like sore thumbs if you just look and listen. And that benighted herd of two legged cattle are Trump supporters.

Here’s a perfect example. Teri worked until 1:30 today, so at 1:15 I walked up to meet her at our locals place, about a mile from our place. We sat down at a couple of machines and had a couple of frosty ones.

About an hour or so later, we were sitting side by side at machines when Teri struck up a spontaneous conversation with the woman sitting next to her. She was a smoker, and was interested in our vaping units, and whether it actually worked. I’ve been tobacco free for almost nine years, and Teri is about three months behind me, so it was a natural conversation for all concerned.

At one point, while extolling the vapor juice that we use, Teri turned to me to explain, since I had done due diligence online before I switched. I started out by telling her that there were no tobacco products or byproducts I started out with the simplest possible sentence, There are only four ingredients in vaping juice, and all of them are FDA approved.

Red Alert! No sooner had those words passed my lips than the floodgates opened. The FDA?! Hold on there, there are serious problems with the FDA! That was started back in 1936 under FDR, and ever since then it’s been bent to a liberal agenda. They keep shifting the standards and the results whenever it suits them.

Trombie Alert! I didn’t need to say another word, or ask her another thing. Fortunately I had the Catholic charity to avoid asking her if I could see her Q-Anon secret decoder ring. In fact, I just completely shut my mouth and sipped my brew while Teri continued on with the tortured conversation.

It’s just that simple my brothers and sisters. They’re out there, and unlike the X-Files, they’re not trying to hide the truth. And better yet, they’re not even bothering to try to hide it. Hell, they’re proud to have an IQ lower than canned cling peaches.

And the best part is, they’re everywhere! Try playing this simple game. The next time you’re on a bus or a plane, or sitting in the doctors waiting room, or the airport gate, or at the DMV waiting to change your address, just put your book or kindle down, close your eyes, and just listen.

Because these people have absolutely no spatial recognition. They neither know or care that they are sitting in an area surrounded by other people. With these clods, their personal interactions are conducted at the same pitch as their e-mails and texts, ALL CAPS!

I’ve heard it over and over again, all over. On buses, at bus stops, in a line at the deli, in the check out line at Smiths. It’s almost like these people are unconsciously proud of being loud and stupid, so they can spread the good word of the Cheeto Jesus.

Try it for yourself, it’s actually fun. The next time you’re on a bus, or at the bus stop, an airport waiting room, or similar place, instead of going into a waiting room coma, just close or relax your eyes, sit back and listen. The larger the area, like an airport gate room the better. The more people who are around, the more anonymous they feel, and the more they spout off. Trust me, it’ll be the most entertaining wait of your life.

And here’s the best part. Because they’re so loud, obnoxious, and oblivious, they’re playing right into our hands. Once Biden does away with Traitor Tot next November, and the Democrats set up secret units to ferret out faithful Trump supporters, they’re making themselves low hanging fruit for us to pluck them up, and send them off to internment camps for selective reeducation. Hang on. I was just channeling the other guy for a moment. Forget that last one.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. People watching on the strip. That is a good way to spend some interesting time. I used to facilities management for a retail corporation and about every other regional meeting we had to attend was in L.V. I don’t gamble and drink precious little so I was always at a loose end after the meetings. I’d just walk up and down the streets around my hotel and take in the sights-the people. Eye-opening to be sure. Just when I’d think “wow, it doesn’t get stranger than that” I’d go a little further down the block and voila, stranger things were awaiting me. lol

    Funny, people watching was a lot more fun back then. Now it is somewhat troubling.

  2. The loudest 17% of anything known to mankind.

    Thanks for the disclaimer in the last paragraph, or else Lindsay Graham would’ve quoted you and said “See, the Democrat Party called me a bad name and threatened me. It was only Summer Camp, we only meant Summer Camp…and the Democrat Party turns it into internment camps. How dare they?”

  3. No thank you. Holidays in GA,were bad enough that we stopped attending. And then the Niece From.Hell.refused to enter Miles house while we were there. MiL.was doing her laundry,,and often my husband helped her carry it out to the car (Niece would sit in her car and call MiL.to announce she was there). She never said a word to.him. No “Thank you.” Not even an acknowledgement of his existence. I guess she believed that if she treated him like a fellow human, our Wicca cooties would cling to.her and she’s go to hell. Yes, she is a right-wing evangelical

    Her FB page is bizarre. She posts evangelical praise to.Jesus, and uses the same sort of language to praise Don the Con.I don’t need to listen in airports. I heard the same deal every holiday for 12 years, even before Trump. She is loud, obnoxious, aggressively ignorant, and just mean.

  4. I’m not entertained by the willful ignorance or hatred either. These assholes are eager to destroy the planet, be the absolute worst versions of themselves, pretend trans children have some deleterious effect on ANYTHING but are outraged Tantrumthinskin, Matt Gaetz, Jared Kushner & Clarence Thomas are subject to ANY sort of scrutiny and then tearfully ask a chat room/page why everyone talks down to them.

  5. You are so right! My wife wonders why I have avoided leaving the house for the past 5 years. It’s depressing to know that 1 our of every 4 people you engage with is a MAGA person. And it’s not just their obnoxious conversations; they play their right-wing radio shows on full blast while driving, the BS bumper stickers and the constant listening to Newsmax/War Room on their phones with the volume turned up. I was in a doctor’s office this week and the guy with the red hat in the waiting room was broadcasting Pete Santilli to the entire office (although the office television was on).


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