This actually makes a lot of sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if everybody at Fox News gets loaded before they go on the air, because I would think that you pretty much need some chemical assistance to spew that level of unreality. In any event, now we have evidence that Sean Hannity does.

What I can tell you about live television is that the Technical Director is watching a monitor showing the various feeds and then that person directs which feed is to go out on the air. The process is that there is a cue “ready camera (one, two, whatever)” and then the command “take camera one.” Here, there was a major slip between the cue and the command. Or Hannity didn’t get the cue and the TD didn’t know what to do. Who knows? It would be interesting to see if anybody with that job title files an unemployment claim in the next few days.


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  1. Naw, Hannity’s just toking nicotine, otherwise he’d have morphed into a much nicer person long ago. He’d be giggling his way through his scripts and blatantly abusing all the other Fox assholes.

  2. Omg are you kidding me Hannity was simply hitting his juul witch is in place of a cigarette its not like he rolled a big fat dobby and fired it up on the air! You go Hannity! You rock!

    • Not a thing wrong with him vaping.. these other comments are just brainwashed and pathetic evil judgements for which they will be judged for.. i can see we will never unite till these perverse woke see the light.. talk about brain dead woke.. i thank GOD that I’m AWAKE in TRUTH! I can only pray for the ridiculous narrow minded woke crowd.. Its ashame most of them will never be a part of the GREAT AWAKENING.. GOD bless Sean Hannity! GOD bless America and all true American Patriots! GOD bless Pres Trump! And i pray for the TRUTH to fall upon the minds and hearts of those asleep and awaken before the evil dems send them to HELL..

  3. I guess he also went on to to accuse Adam Schiff of qualities that sound like projection: “villain of the day,”
    a “congenital liar”, a “pretty despicable sociopath,” a “lunatic”. Sound like anybody we know? Actually it sounds like any repuQ you can name.

  4. And just think, Hannity was Trump’s go to reference for proper actions while in office … these people are truly lizards and should be sent out in the desert with the rest of their kind …

    There is very small difference between cognizance and eyes-shut napping with Hannity … his brilliance is in his own mind …

  5. I gotta laugh at these liberal left useful idiots. Seems like they would ridicule someone who isn’t wearing pants while on the air a bit more that an excellent recovery by Hannity.


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