It’s time for another epiphany, my friends. I just now had one, a blinding flash as a matter of fact. I am a masochist. I never would have thought that of myself, but anybody who slugs through as many Trump rallies and rightwing shitposts as I do, can be nothing but a masochist. That said, I absolutely believe we need to know what the right-wingers are saying to one another and so I intend to continue.

Therefore, without further ado, here is Chuck Grassley’s bedtime story about the 2020 election, the DOJ, and the 01/06 commission.

Then Grassley goes up to accept the endorsement of the Dreamsickle Deity. If there are any lingering doubts in your mind that Trumpism is Republicanism, dispel them now. This is who the GOP is, it’s who they’ve made the decision to be. Mitch McConnell sees the disastrous aspects of the chosen path and makes noises about “electable” candidates, but his voice is drowned out by the orange-tinged roar of the crowd.

And here is Grassley accept the holy benediction.

And since I’m in a sadistic mood as well, let me remind you that this guy is third in line for the presidency of the United States, after Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi. Is that enough to keep you awake at night, or what?


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  1. How incredibly stupid can Trump possibly be? Grassley is EIGHTY-EIGHT years old (just having his 88th birthday last month) and he’s been in the Senate even longer than Mitch McConnell!

    But, um, what is this about “this guy is third in line for the presidency?” The person after Pelosi would be the President pro tempore of the Senate who happens to be Patrick Leahy (D-VT). Grassley holds the PURELY HONORARY title of “President pro tempore emeritus” (due to his former status as President pro tem from 2019 to 2021) but barring a switch in party standing in the Senate, Grassley’s HONORARY title confers absolutely no political bearing.

    • His stuttering, dis-connected comments in his Bachman interview, show the wandering focus of his awareness, way below what the State of Iowa needs, especially with the newest tech devices and training needed by our younger generation …

      Compared to the latest power systems, grids and batteries we need, Grassley’s three-mower lash-up to mow his yard with, in days past, (years ago), he cannot be trusted to support those new systems for our State, much less the whole United States … the general education, specialty training and the machines to practice and learn on will require a focus on reality and true needs of our country to slow, or even cancel many earth-damaging processes … the Pandemic shows the need for crews to manage and use the new super-computers in their roll to design medications, vaccines and solutions for other complex problems …

      Today’s young nerds can use maker labs, equipped with the latest machining centers and milling machines, lathes, welders and lasers, 3D printers, which, with the help of retired experts, could be built into neighborhood training centers, open to all younger people interested in making things, producing things again here in the United States … bringing a more secure and safer community back together …

      Grassley, knows NOTHING about any of these things we really need to promote for future growth … Abby Finkenauer, for Iowa Senator, can leave that old school stuff about making more money by shipping stuff to be manufactured in China in the dust, our future and independence from just ordering stuff from overseas, plus the employment of many more local workers, builds community pride and a win-win for our children …

      The bigger plants, building autos and trucks can depend on parts needed for energy saving new engines-motors-batteries, if they are built locally, not depending on delivery from other countries and sitting in stalled ships out in the ocean …


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