In the Cult of Trump, Tangerine Palpatine is a really great guy. Loves everybody. Can’t wait to get up every morning and go out there and do for “his” people — his people being the ones who write him checks. And what will be doing for them? Ask ing them to write more checks. The Trump finance machine is very much the serpent eating its own tail.

Read this social media share of a cultist telling the others of her Trump dream. At least it wasn’t an erotic one, so I don’t have a post a trigger warning, have a bag to throw up in nearby.

Trump the martyr. Trump brought low by his enemies but fear not, he shall overcome. You saw Jesus resurrect, you will see Trump reinstate. Yes, Jesus did get the resurrection going in three days, that was good PR, Trump wishes he could have had the same staff as Christ. He’s got bozos that can’t even get a simple blog on the internet and keep it running, let alone create supernatural visions. Man, what he wouldn’t give for that kind of talent. Where are the talented people? Trump can’t even get his son-in-law on the phone anymore.

I love the “big broad shoulders” bit. Is that where the bone spurs are? Because we know those were big, they were debilitating, they caused him to get no less than five deferments, oh wait, some of those were while he was getting his fine education, paying people to take exams. In any event, he had no intention of serving in the military with those chumps and losers.

If we can just get by without his cultists heading back out to the streets to do violence, we will be doing well.




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  1. Those “broad shoulders” were probably his hips. (Can’t tell what his actual shoulders are like, because his suits don’t fit well and the shoulder pads tend to be oversized.)

  2. There are people I have 100% respect for…Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Yoshihiro Togashi.

    Still…I wouldn’t hug them if I met them, even in a fanboy fever dream. Barf.

  3. I almost wish we had a picture of this poor deluded woman. We all know Trump would NEVER “embrace” her with a hug (and with tears in his eyes?!?) UNLESS she was attractive. Then, of course, while he was embracing her and she “could feel his broad shoulders,” she’d be feeling his hands reaching down to a certain part of her own anatomy–what the good folks of Monty Python lovingly called the “naughty bits.”

    Of course, that’s if she’s attractive; otherwise, she’d be feeling something else from those shoulders–massive revulsion in a desperate attempt on Trump’s part to escape the “peon” who had the audacity to touch his royal personage.

  4. That painting! How can they possibly think the orange turd practices any of the tenets of JC? It’s like they threw the 10 Commandments out the window and think it’s just fine to be greedy, envious, lie, grab women by the naughty bits, grift and steal. These people are fricking nuts.

  5. John 8:42-47. Talking to the hypocritical Jews about them being the children of satan, who is the “father of all lies.” What’s orangebob shitpants up to now? 36,000 lies & counting? Satan’s favorite finger puppet is giving his daddy a run for his money.

  6. Upon seeing Tangerine Palpatine, I had to stop reading, come down to the comments & say Kudos to you for coming up with that nickname. One of the few I’ve genuinely laughed at. Well done if it’s an original. I hadn’t heard it yet.

    • Good lord, after seeing that tweet I had to come back again & say What The Actual F*ck? Patriot Takes is correct. That is so not normal… to a frightening degree.

  7. This would all be amusing and such if it not for the fact that this is on the ‘warm and cuddly’ end of the psychopathic sycophant spectrum. I shudder to think what less benign visions the more sociopathic of his minions conjure as they approach the apocalyptic ‘Happy Ending’.


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