The closer we get to Traitor Tot finally getting his just desserts, and the more real it becomes as we watch each televised hearing, the more and more pundits keep coming out and saying that Trump can’t do hard prison time. It would be a logistical nightmare for both his own security, as well as the safety and security of his Secret Service detail. 

What a steaming pile of Bullsh*t! Of course His Lowness can do the time, Other countries have imprisoned Presidents and Prime Ministers for all kinds of skullduggery all the time. The only difference between our ass clown and their ass clowns didn’t/don’t have a full time Secret Service detail. BFD, There are plenty of ways to lock El Pendejo Presidente away, even if we can’t throw away the key. And the funny thing is that the US has already used or is already using two of them.

My first one is admittedly whimsical, but it got the juices flowing, and it will kind of give you the general drift. Alcatraz Federal Prison is a national monument. They even give tours. But it’s still functional, and the tours don’t go everywhere. Rehab and modernize a small portion of it, toss in some Bureau of Prison guards, whatever administrators you need, and there ya go. The Secret Service can either work in shifts, or stay days and bunk in the old guards quarters. And here’s the best part. They can either boat or chopper over meals from the federal lockup in downtown San Francisco, so Trump can get the full body immersion of being a federal inmate by eating what everybody else eats.

Whimsical I grant you, but when you forget that, and look at the actual logistics, you can see how it would work. Now that we’ve had our fun, let’s move on to the two options that the US government has already used or is using currently.

When Adolf Twitler and Gruppenracist Stephen Miller decided to start ripping toddlers from their parents arms without taking any responsibility for reuniting them, they ran out of space most riki-tik. DHS and CBP tried putting cages everywhere in their facilities that actually employees weren’t sitting in, but it was purely a stopgap measure that raised almost fury as the child separation.

What to do, what to do? Elementary, my dear Watson. They started leasing up closed and shuttered K-Marts and Home Depots. Board up the windows, do a quick rehab, some toilets and showers, a kitchen, paint, beds to sleep on, desks for schooling, a play area, a staff area, and the kids were poured in. The main doors were the only entry, and the back lot surface behind the loading docks were fenced off, and perfect for playtime.

Give me one reason why this wouldn’t work. Put a 12 foot fence with razor wire around the lot, add a main guard shack, and staff as needed. Once again, the Secret Service can either work in shifts, or have their own quarters for longer deployments. Add in some federal guards, the necessary on site administration, and again local prison or jail food can be imported in. From where I’m sitting, Trump is far more entitled to this treatment than a single one of the poor immigrant kids he subjected to the same thing. Talk about being hoist on your own petard.

The third option is an offshoot of the 2nd one. You know what else this country has a sh*tload of besides shuttered K-Marts and Home Depots? We have a sh*tload of shuttered military bases! And you know that as well as me, since we reopened some of them, in the most inhospitable places humanly imaginable, to make tent cities to stick immigrant children and families in. Remember?

And this one is a thing of beauty for two simple reasons. First of all, the freakin’ things are not only designed to keep people in, they’re designed to keep everybody else out! The security is all already in place. And second, unlike the empty K-Mart and Home Depot stores, we already own these freakin’ things! No monthly outlay for rent or utilities.

And it’s not like you have to reopen the whole thing. Put a new security fence up around some of the guest quarters, and the exercise yard, and open up what you need of the administration building. Once again, slap some Bureau of Prison guards at the main entrance, and strategic places inside, and the Secret Service can either shift or have their own guest quarters for extended stays on duty. You can also hire on a small kitchen staff to prepare small shipments of the same crap other federal prisoners are dining al fresco on.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Long term solitary confinement can be considered cruel and unusual punishment. OK. So give the sleazy bastard some playmates. The federal prison system is chock-a-block full of white collar, non violent convicts. Former residents Michael Cohen and disgraced Illinois Governor immediately come to mind, along with current resident Bernie Madoff. Clean up enough quarters, haul in enough food, and you’re set. I’m sure Trump and Madoff could lose hours talking about their favorite grifts and cons. And maybe they could put in a nine hole putt-putt golf course to torture Trump with.

You may be thinking that this has been one long treatise of sarcasm, but I’m deadly serious. There are all kinds of ways in which we can separate and incarcerate Trump, while ensuring both his personal safety, as well as that of his Secret Service detail. If he’s convicted, the whole object is equal treatment under the law, not home confinement. The whole point is involuntary incarceration. Sweet Jesus! If we can put a man on the moon, and send a Tesla to Mars, we can find a way to lock one fat, old, treasonous slob up! And we may as well start planning now, because he’s going down.

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  1. Very smart proposals. This covers the security issue; which is the biggest hang up to me. And it recognizes #45 can’t serve time in a “standard” lock-up. The only limitation really is his age. Just call for “life” and see if he survives five years.

  2. There are already prison facilities that can house prisoners like him but most are Federal prisons. They keep the inmate separate from the general population. I’ve toured our Phoenix Federal Prison and my memory is that they had a separate building smack in the middle of the yard that housed the inmates needing protection from the other inmates and they were in a single cell by themselves. We had a famous doctor who killed his family housed there when I did my tour years ago as a Probation Officer.

  3. One thing seems to be forgotten: The Secret Service should NOT be considered responsible for the protection/safety of ANY CRIMINAL. (Federal law does mandate that foreign dignitaries acting in their official capacities be afforded Secret Service protection but, at the same time, the US has been known to refuse entry to heads of state–even for UN events–if the person is considered to be a criminal suspect or has engaged in actions deemed illegal in the US.)

    Certainly, if Secret Service personnel can be held accountable for their own criminal actions (up to and including dismissal from the Service and prison time as warranted), then the Service should not be obligated to continue protecting a former president who has been found guilty of a crime. It would probably need to be presented as a bill to Congress but, as long as the bill is presented as politically neutral and focused solely on the CRIMINAL acts (it would also apply to ANY individual under Secret Service protection), then any opposition should easily be turned around as “Why do you support protecting criminals with the federally-funded Secret Service but oppose (fill in your favorite government program/policy that right-wingers despise)?”

  4. I’ve mentioned before there are a couple of viable options for imprisoning him at Marine Base Quantico about forty miles south of DC. Hell, even Andrews AFB or Ft, Belvoir could be used but Quantico is a bit further away and more secure. But the point is that I agree with you – the logistics aren’t really all that hard to work out.

  5. GOOD.

    It’s good we’re getting far enough down the line to even talk about this.

    I’m sure once the blushing pundits get over themselves, even they will come up with good ideas!

  6. You’re probably correct Murf. He could do jail time in a penal institution. He would however have to be sectioned off from the general population and unless congress changes the S.S. law, his s.s. detail would be in prison with him. Prison is doable but house arrest and massive fines are more easily accomplished.

    I think it will be interesting what they come up with when he’s found guilty.

    • After my college playing days were done I became part of a group of former (mostly) college basketball players that would get together to play against prisoners in southern Illinois. We had a state and federal pen back there. In those days, the federal pen at Marion housed the most dangerous folks, and in fact had been built to replace Alcatraz. The actual games were as you might expect rather challenging as for security purposes inmates acted as referees and they knew better than to call a game straight. Only the punishment that would ensue to players on the prisoner’s team getting too brutal with fouls kept it from being mayhem. Still, it was fun but also instructive. Just getting in and out, all those spaces between the entrance and the actual prison itself was sobering. However, I also got a good look at the place from both the exterior and interior and I know at least at that one the layout would be conducive to closing off the end of one of the wings for an inmate(s) like Trump. And if there were to be a riot or some other type of emergency evacuation via helicopter would be quick and easy with the sharpshooters in the towers augmented by Secret Service types covering the gently rolling landscape outside the prison walls if they had to get Trump the f**k out before a chopper were to arrive. And in case of bad weather a set of armored vehicles from the National Guard Unit over in Carbondale could be maintained on site and rotated. Good training for the troops tasked with maintenance during weekly drills. So again I say it’s doable and a whole lot easier than too many want to make it out to be.

  7. Only the poor and dispossessed can do jail time. You can’t put the stockholders of the private prison industry and the ‘lawmakers’ who make rules for OTHERS in jail. That’s not ‘christian’.

  8. I still say he should be tried for treason, and after his inevitable conviction , be shot! Second best would be super-max prison where he spends 23 hours a day locked in a cell, no contact with anyone in any form. No TV, no radio, no internet, no mail.

  9. Despite bein a verbal.basturd, he isn’t physically dangerous. He us likely to end up in ,Club Fed. The one at Eglin AFB used to be a barracks. It has two bedroom suites with a,shared bathroom.. Assign him.and Giuliani to one,and assign the two suites on either side and the one directly across to the,Secret Service and the guards. And actually they don’t even need much because everyone in minimum security prisons aren’t violent but white collar criminals.

  10. For the older generation. Barretta used to say, if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. That being settled. Trump does present a special challenge. But it comes to mind that you still have Fort Leavenworth. It has a unique situation as it is a special prison. It’s a federal prison which covers Trump being a federal prisoner. But it’s also a military prison which also covers Trump as he’s was the commander and chief of the armed services. Tell that to Tommy T. Anyway Fort Leavenworth has been converted before for some special guests. Not as dramatic as Alcatraz but it would get the job done.

  11. Murph, you forgot one option. Gitmo probably has the space.
    Imagine how happy Fat Donnie would be to be able to spend quality time with the Muslims he holds so dear.


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