If Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are as smart as I think they are, then they’re licking their chops at the possibility of elevating their party stature and greatly improving their chances in 2022. Here’s why.

Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine changed everything. Despite the best efforts of Rupert the Rodent, and his FUX News bubblesphere to prop Putin up in US opinion, it isn’t working. A recent poll showed that Putin had less than a 10% approval rating in the United States. Around here, you’re either pro Ukraine, or you’re pro Russia, and if you’re pro Russia, you’re a traitor.

Biden got up on the front of his board, and he rode this wave from the start. He was tireless in whipping NAYO and the EU back into shape to support Ukraine, and he promised every American assistance possible without actual boots on the ground. And it was popcorn for the American soul. Finally, support without American casualties! And by immediately seizing and controlling the narrative, Biden literally hijacked the GOP into having to go along. Nobody wants to fight that kind of sentiment.

In President Biden’s SOTU address, his loudest bipartisan applause lines were when he referred to Ukraine, their heroic resistance, and acknowledged the Ukrainian Ambassador, sitting in the gallery as a guest of the First Lady. The standing ovations were deafening.

Which gives Biden and the Democrats an opening. Biden ran on reaching across the aisle, and getting things done in a bipartisan fashion. And he did it with the Covid relief bll, as well as the bipartisan infrastructure bill, both of which were wildly popular. But with Ukraine, bipartisanship went off the charts. And like Babe Ruth, I called my shot. When Biden requested an additional $2 billion in defensive and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, a bipartisan congress said don’t be such a cheap prick Joe, and approved $13 billion. Which slid through congress like shit through a goose.

This is an edge that Biden and the Democrats can exploit from now up until the official start of the hard core reelection campaign starting with the August recess. The talking point is almost painfully simple, and almost impossible for the GOP to refute. If the GOP congress can rise up in bipartisan support of a worthy cause such as Ukraine in their defense against Russia, why can’t they rise in bipartisan support for issues critical to everyday Americans? I think the operative phrase is hoist on their own petard.

This is the soft underbelly for the GOP, especially the Senate. Since Obama took the oath of office in 2009, the GOP has turned into a totally obstructionist party. The only thing they stand for is keeping Democrats from looking good. This is lethal for vulnerable GOP Senate candidates, who have to bring home a record of accomplishments, since they don’t have the luxury of gerrymandering to protect them.

Right now, Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic House need to start passing shit like a machine gun. Forget the Build back Better plan. That sleeps with the fishes. Instead, ram through what can pass piecemeal. Start with renewing the Child Tax Credit. How can the Republicans surge to bipartisanship to defend Ukraine, and yet not vote to lift 40% of American children out of poverty? Come on GOP, Enquiring minds want to know?

Then move on to pass a bill allowing Medicare and Medicaid to negotiate directly with drug companies to lower drug prices, including capping Insulin at $35 a month. There isn’t a GOP Senator in the country who doesn’t have a shitload of senior citizen constituents, as well as a sizeable population of people who suffer from diabetes?

And then move on down the list to everything that is popular with a majority of the country, Democratic as well as Republican. Dare the Republicans, especially vulnerable ones in the Senate, to vote against much needed benefits for their own constituents when they happily voted billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine. If the Democrats are willing to push this, they have the opportunity to shove the GOP’s Ukraine bipartisanship right up their ass. Either vote for your constituents the way you vote for Ukraine, or pay the piper at the polls. Checkmate.


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  1. Hey, Murf, great job; from your words to their ears! I just hope the Repubs will start acting like the elder statesmen/women they’re supposed to be, instead of the 5th graders that keep throwing spitballs at the teacher….



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