I love this visual image by commentator Neil Katayal, describing Donald Trump as that character in the L’il Abner cartoon. Remember him? The one with the unpronounceable name and the raincloud which hovered over his head and moved when he moved? Sort of like Linus with the blanket or Pig Pen with the miasma of stink which hovered around him? Imagine Trump exuding evidence like that — inculpatory evidence, need we add, evidence which is going to result eventually in him being found guilty as hell?

Katayal spoke on a panel which included Rick Wilson and Sarah Kendzior. If you missed it and have nine minutes to spare, this will put them to good use.

The negatives somehow help Trump. It’s like a sequel to Faust. It’s times like this that I seriously do consider whether we are living in some Matrix-esque computer simulation and the yous and mes are in some control group where Trump won in 2016 — and did everything else that you and I commonly remember.

Maybe there’s another crowd who remembers Hillary’s elevation to the Oval Office and has recently returned her to a second term (where she defeated Lindsey Graham as the GOP candidate, since we’re fantasizing)  — while those of us stuck here wonder just how much more crazy things can get.

If Rick Wilson is right, here, maybe Trump should indeed shoot somebody on 5th Avenue — a group of people in fact — and maybe that will be the cherry on the electoral sundae.

Hey, I got it: maybe Trump should shoot his own children and bake them in a pie. Would that be going too far, or would all of MAGA begin to imitate him? I can see it now, Tiffany Chicken in Truffle Sauce, or Barron Beef?

Rick Wilson mentions putting Trump onstage with Mehdi Hassan. Not a bad idea. An even better idea would be S.V. Date at the Huffington Post. Date would occasionally ask a question of Trump in the White House and even though his words were completely professional, he projected a tone of “you can’t snow me. I know what you’re about.” That’s what is needed going forward in covering the 2024 election.

And FACTS!! Loads and loads of facts and evidence, which Trump can’t refute. Intoning, “fake news” every thirty seconds, like a mantra, is not refutation.

I also think that networks should employ the use of chyrons every single time Trump tells a lie, to alert the audience that that has just taken place. (The chyrons will start strobbing, obviously, as often as he lies. People with epilepsy need to be careful.)

We have to fight fire with fire and I think that right now, we’re gearing up for 2024 having learned not one single thing. You know what they call it when you repeat the same action hoping for a different result.



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  1. I read about his last minute decision to blow off a rally in Iowa. Where MAGA goobers had already gathered for a day of whatever their version of tailgating is. Because of the weather forecast it was said. Now, having grown up next to the Mississippi albeit across from Missouri instead of Iowa I can attest that it’s wise to take forecasts seriously. Still, there’s a big difference between the weather folks on TV are talking about the possibility of tornado conditions developing and them saying an actual front is producing severe thunderstorms to the west and that when that front arrives in however many hours keep an eye out for news about tornado watches and warnings. My guess is that it was merely a “we’re keeping an eye on a front/storm system that might arrive tonight/in the overnight hours – anywhere from ten to 20 hours from the time of the forecast. With a “it could produce severe weather and possibly tornado conditions.”

    I explained all that because as you say Trump is in the middle of a storm alright, albeit a legal one. I think it’s possible if not probable that as he was headed to the airport he got informed of an “oh sh!I legal development and feared news might leak/break while he was on stage. Or tomorrow or even Monday but instead of mainling his drug of choice – unbridled worship from the MAGAs he realized his butt needed to be back at Mar A Lago figuring out his next move.

  2. They should open every Democratic rally with Randy Rainbow clips as the crowd filters in. They should also use Woody Guthrie’s songs as well as Billy Holiday. I don’t know what new song should be used as the official campaign song.

    • Randy Rainbow
      “Don’tTell Donald He’s Not Getting Elected Today” is a good place to.start
      “Strange Fruit” by Billy Holiday
      “Abraham, Martin and John”
      “Will the Circle Be Unbroken”
      “The Rising” by Bruce Springsteen
      “,” Born in the U.S.A.”Bruce Springsteen
      “Buddy. Can You Spare a,Dime”
      Your Friendly Neighborhood Ku-Klux-Klan” Chad Mitchell.Trio
      “What Dis You Learn in School Today?” Chad Mitchell especially considering decanter whitewashing history
      “The Times They Are A-changin'”

      “This Land Is Your Land” Pete Seeger or Peter Paul.and Mary
      THIS should be Biden’s official.campaign anthem

      I.do.not listen to.the radio or pop, so that is somebody else’s job

  3. Everyone in your country is talking about the implications to the USA but PLEASE DONT FORGET there is a huge wave of concern internationally and across Europe and the Asia Pacific about this buffoon taking office! If he returns to office the USA will become the worlds laughing stock (with all the jokes and humiliation) once again. Internationally he’s seen as a very bad joke for America on an extremely shakey stage.

    • I agree. I fear for all of us, everywhere. I fear this latest thing, No Labels, which could return Trump to office by bleeding off Independent voters from Biden.


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