Both December and the 2024 presidential election are getting off to an unexpectedly twisted start. Kanye West, or Ye, is now openly praising Hitler.

Ye told Alex Jones, “They did good things, too. We gotta stop dissing the Nazis all the time.”

This is exploding in Trumpty Dumpty’s face. You want to know what’s comical? Trump will now lose the Nazi vote for sure unless he comes out and says something positive about that group of people and you know that even he is not insane enough to do that. But he will be pressured now to take a stance and he will lose a lot of his base. Sad.

Next to Libertarian and Greenpeace, maybe the Nazi party on the ballot? Except that can’t happen. This is ludicrous and good for laughs but this has to be nipped in the bud. Our very recent forefathers who died in WWII did not die for this. I had dear friends who were veterans of that war and I personally will do whatever I can do, that they would do, if they were still here, to stop this. We all need to band together to do the right thing for that generation. No Nazis or praisers of Nazis running for president. Period.

Let’s hear more. Tucker Carlson ended his interview, you may recall with, “the artist is not crazy,” and “he’s getting bolder in what he has to say.” Ye “sees good things in Hitler.”

Here he is mocking Benjamin Netanyahu.

Word of this flew quickly to the GOP, who deleted this tweet.

Nice to know they’re consistent. They back all losers, all the time.

This has to come to an a$$ grinding halt, and I mean now. The boomers, in particular, are appalled but so are decent, right thinking Americans of any generation. We have the best recollection of the WWII generation, which is now almost entirely gone. Those whose parents, grandparents, were of that generation and who remember the many hours of discussion of that war and what happened in it need to set this Ye character straight and keep him from influencing young people who don’t know any better.

This is Kanye West trying to leverage his rock star status into a serious run for the Oval Office. This is like Wild In the Streets. It was political satire then, it’s too close for comfort now.


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  1. Brad Pitt gave a great speech in Inglorious Basterds as Aldo the Apache recruiting a Jewish guerilla army. To paraphrase closely…he said: I didn’t come down from the goddamn Smokey mountains, cross five thousand miles of ocean, fight my way across Sicily and jump out of a fucking airplane to teach the nazis humanity. The nazis have no humanity. They are the foot soliders of a jew hating homicidal maniac and they must be destroyed. The fact we tolerate these fuckers in America means we have no goddamn short term memory. We have become what Peter o Toole described as his homeland in Lawrence of Arabia when the Bedouin guide asked him if he was from a desert country. No he said. I’m from a fat country full of fat people. Welcome to the fattest country with 75 MILLION nazi loving fat & stupid people. 400,000 dead service men lie in their graves as those millions piss down their throats. Infuriating. My five uncles were in that war. Fact.


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