Political theater is nothing new, it’s always been with us. Political slapstick may become a new genre, however, and its progenitor is none other than Kevin McCarthy. The clip you’re about to watch starts with McCarthy blaming Nancy Pelosi for “changing precedent” which she did, when she announced an impeachment inquiry on September 24, 2019, without a vote of the House. However, the House then voted on it the following month, on October 31, and God knows the woman did not lack evidence for this inquiry. So technically, yes, McCarthy is correct. But factually, he’s out in the weeds and he knows it. And so does everybody else.

And so he stands, quibbling with a covey of correspondents who have him cornered. McCarthy looks like a mouse wishing he could just turn into a bat and just fly over their heads as he struggles to keep a grip on the conversation when he knows its out of his control because his defense is pure bull pucky.

McCarthy was a car salesman in Bakersfield. That’s basically the experience he’s drawing off of here. Stand there and convince me that I better buy that yellow car over there, even though I just drove it and the stick shift was wonky, because some guy’s leaning on it now and it won’t be there in 20 minutes. Hey, I’ll take my chances.

McCarthy may have learned how to persuade from a plucky, visceral level and I give him all credit for that. That is a skill. But when the turf is factual, legal and political and you need to have a mind and legal training would be nice, the man comes up woefully short. He is an embarrassment. And frankly, I think that’s why Matt Gaetz loves to needle him. Gaetz sees who and what McCarthy is, just as we do, and he wants to phuck with him just to phuck with him.

I particularly love where McCarthy says, “He was selling a brand.” Correct me if Donald Trump didn’t brag just yesterday, “My assets are worth billions because of my ‘brand’, therefore my numbers are legit.” If you missed that scoop, Trump was claiming to be worth ten billion dollars because his name is worth that much. More middle of the night ravings as the walls close in.

There’s your installment for today of whiny Kevin, he who is misunderstood and persecuted. But don’t fret, there will be many more of this. Many many more. There will be so much whining, you’ll get tired of all the whining. I’ll warrant that much.

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  1. This would be funny with a dash of pathetic if the matter wasn’t so serious. But McCarthy is laying out what the crazies will push as articles of impeachment. There’s no evidence, none to back it up (and boy how they’ve looked) but “people” have accused President Biden of taking a bribe. I guess that’s good enough for House GOPers. Biden talked (and still does) to his son on the phone, and put him on speaker – “conferenced” as McCarthy put it. Did they ever talk business or policy? No. None of GOPer’s “witnesses” have made any such claims and in fact pointed out it was just normal boring everyday stuff they heard. And Hunter bought a fancy sports car. A Porsche. Maybe Kevin saw Risky Business and remembered the line “Porsche – there is no substitute” or something.

    THESE are “high crimes and misdemeanors?” Like I said if impeachment wasn’ such a serious matter this would be a bit funny if written up at satire by someone with talent.

  2. Fine. They want to do this. Go at it. The door is now very much open to “investigate” Jared and Ivanka and they did things Hunter never dreamed of. Up to $2 BILLION dollars worth.

  3. Traitor Tot’s name or brand is worth less than nothing! Traitor Tot was impeached twice because: evidence. He was not convicted because: republiQanons. If there was any evidence to impeach Joe Biden, we would hear republiQanons screaming it at top volume! That we have not heard any evidence of President Biden committing an impeachable offense means there is NO evidence!!


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