Get ready for a spin on, “you’ll get my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.” Now Joe Biden is not only prepared to come take your guns away, he’s after your bibles as well, according to Madison Cawthorn. What’s that you say? What would Joe Biden do with hundreds of thousands of bibles? Beats me. Open his own chain of Motel 6’s, we guess. Take my advice, stash the beans, so Uncle Joe can’t get them next. Eat your bullets instead.

Madison Cawthorn is in Dallas this weekend spreading sunshine and ignorance at CPAC.

The sheer perversity of this is what sticks in the craw of anybody rational. Biden isn’t sending people door to door with the vaccine, only with information about it. And the rethugs know it. But they’ve got to keep their constituents enthralled in fear, so they stoke the lie daily and twice on Sunday.

Cawthorn and his wingnut cohort, Marjorie Taylor Greene, are braying about Biden’s “brownshirts” showing up on people’s doorsteps. And who are these brownshirts? Would you believe volunteers and members of the clergy? I think it’s a fine idea that clergymen and women participate in this madness, maybe their presence will derail the insane notion that Biden would take the bibles away.

If this is new information to you, Cawthorn is a disciple of the Trump school of governance, which means that when running he put all his efforts and cash into public relations. He had zero interest in governance and zero ability. He wants to have a media presence. He is paid a congressman’s salary to be an influencer on social media and a talking head on the right-wing networks. Don’t take our word for it, go check on what initiatives Cawthorn has introduced or fought for since he’s been on Capitol Hill.

Being a congressman or woman is the new hip job of the 21st century. When I was in college, television news was the ne plus ultra gig to land, at least for women, who were just getting into the field. It was like winning the employment lottery. You didn’t have to know all that much, be that educated, you just had to look good on air and be glib. The money was great and the perks exceptional. TV anchors were, and are still, royalty in this culture.

Now we live in a world where the role of U.S. Representative, once a highly coveted and competitive honor, which attracted some of our best, is a PR job. Not only that, a PR job with power. People like Cawthorn, Greene, and Lauren Boebert aren’t there to make laws, they are there to make the six o’clock news.

Cawthorn is one of many characters at CPAC in Dallas right now. Look for it to be a real zoo. This is just the warm up act.


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    • And you know this how? Listen, Bibles are the last thing these traitors are interested in, because when you no longer can protest what they do take (children, homes, cars, guns, books, etc.), Bibles will have become irrelevant by then.

  1. It’s not like these assholes read, much less practice the teachings of the New Testament. They only want the fire and brimstone shit in the Old Testament. Just offer them a swap – a copy of a condensed version of Genesis – the creation and Eve eating the apple, and the chapters of Leviticus and Deuteronomy with Trump’s picture on the cover (of course!) for their actual bible and they will happily make the trade.

    • Yep – they totally ignore ‘one corinthians’ 10:11 (probably because there weren’t two of them): “Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” (referring to a lot of OT stuff like where Lot first of all offered his virgin daughters to be gang-raped and later on had sex with them himself)

      But then, Don John has openly fantasised about Ivanka

    • If you knew what was in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and by “know” I mean having studied Torah, you would know these people do not follow the 613 mitzvah (laws) in those two books of Moses. Do they cherry-pick a few things to scape-goat others? Yes they do. If it becomes inconvenient for them they say things like “that was nailed to the cross” and other bull-sh*t. As a Jew, I am deeply offended by these people pretending to follow OUR bible. Quite frankly I wish they’d stick with the x-tian bible/new testament and leave ours the f*ck out of their machinations. But I am equally offended that you think they are paying heed or respect to any of the five books of Moses.

      • My apologies for offending you Spike. While I’ve been agnostic for decades a significant amount of my religious upbringing and first part of adulthood still rattles around in my head. That religious upbringing includes exposure (not much, but some) to the Jewish Faith via a prominent (back where I’m from) family whose youngest daughter was best friends with my oldest sister growing up. “Mimi” was incredibly patient with some of my dumbass (even for a young child) questions but I did learn fairly early the Old Testament and more importantly what we Christians were taught about it wasn’t the same as the Torah. Most of it in Sunday School made my eyes glaze over and I got “that” look more than once for asking some of the questions I did. The kind related to that scene from the West Wing where the fictional President Bartlett rips up the “theology” of a talk radio host, embarrassing her in front of a large group of her colleagues. Frankly, by the time I reached adulthood I just couldn’t understand why so much of the Old Testament was included in the bible in the first place. Yes, I suppose stuff about the creation and the crap about “original sin”, the prophecy of the Messiah/Savior, some of the Psalms (many of which are poetic aside from what the good they sometimes teach) and other stuff as a background to the coming of Jesus is important, but there’s a whole bunch there that doesn’t need to be for the Christian Faith. In my own humble view it could all be distilled down to one chapter of how the world began, that there was another religion from whom the first Christians came and the predictions of that religion (Judaism) that one day a Savior/Messiah would be sent by God to “save the world” & then go to the Gospels and the rest. Because, as you correctly note most of what Christianity does (and I include mainstream like I grew up with – not just the wingnuttery part) is cherry pick a fairly small portion of the Old Testament which isn’t really the Torah anyway. And from where I sit unless someone has been brought up in the Jewish faith and had to attend the kind of lessons I gather you did even most Christian preachers who have had formal training don’t really know, much less understand the Torah. (Hell, the older I got the more I questioned how much they understood OUR book – the New Testament!)

        The thing that ate away at me is this. The faith I was raised in is all about Jesus being the Messiah, the savior. For me the Old Testament was an ersatz Torah, and other than what I’ve mentioned why so much discussion of it in the Christian faith? And in particular why SO much emphasis on what you correctly point out is a rather selective set of passages in certain chapters amongst Christian fundies? Too many questions piled up over time, to a point where even a philosophy embraced by many of our founders of a “Divine Providence” unconnected to any of the major religions simply didn’t compute for me any more.

        I do recall a moment of clarity hitting me like a ton of bricks, reminding me of that wonderful Jewish lady I knew from early in life trying to explain to a kid not old enough to grasp nuance that having a Christian, even someone who’d been through Divinity School wasn’t the best option for understanding the Old Testament, much less the actual Torah. Lewis Black had a wonderful comedy bit about it that reminded me of a proper, genteel lady gently suggesting that while I should pay attention in Sunday school perhaps when it came to stuff in the Old Testament I should keep quiet, and focus more on what the adults were teaching me about the New Testament. And she made sure to teach me that despite what some adults might say Jewish people considered Jesus a great prophet, but didn’t believe he was the Messiah. And, as I got older and we had a couple of truly meaningful discussions we both lamented how much division and violence was taking place both then and in thousands of years past over that difference of opinion.

        So again, I apologize for not thinking it was worth taking the time to fully consider my comment, and note the fact that in addition to a condensed version of Genesis the other chapters, since they are only (very) selectively important to the faux Christians spouting their not-at-all Christian (as in what Jesus actually taught) verses should have been part of what I wrote

        For countless people their faith is important to them. It sustains them during times of difficulty and helps them appreciate times that are good. It’s a guidepost. A North Star. I can respect that without believing myself. At least I can as long as those people when talking about their faith try to ram it down my throat, call me a bad (or even evil) person for not accepting their views and worse. Most people of faith, regardless of their faith respect where I’m at too. Hell, some of the most interesting discussions I’ve had in (relatively) recent times were with a couple of Mormon Missionaries who lived in the first apartment complex I lived in when I moved to NC. They were fascinated by my being agnostic and wanted to understand how I got there and not at all defensive about their own beliefs. I think we each found a measure of comfort in being able to have frank exchanges about faith or lack thereof instead of fearful and defensive discussions. We still thought each other were weird but in a good way.

        There was a time when more people could have differing political beliefs and talk to each other that way.

    • Even Genesis is not a real biblical book; it’s just a condensation of the REAL Old Testament scriptures, like Enoch, Adam & Eve, Toledoth of Noah, Wars of the Lord, Book of the Law, Jasher, etc. That’s nothing, Justinian destroyed 95% of Christian scriptures, and The Vatican destroyed the only genuine Christian community that ever existed with the Albigensian Crusade. Jesus must be rolling in his grave about now.

  2. I wish irony was an oaken two-by-four so it could hit Cawthorn upside his vacant cow-eyed Aryan pretty-boy head. I mean, for someone who’s claiming that Biden’s coming for people’s Bibles, he’s certainly risking the wrath of the Almighty by breaking one of the Big Ten. I mean, you’d think he’d remember that little thing about “Thou shalt not lie” before committing such a big one with regards to the Bible.

    Then again, considering the fact that most members of Congress take OATHS on the first day of Congress and most of them also include the phrase “so help me God” as a finish, a skeptic could use Cawthorn as proof positive that God doesn’t exist (or has just completely given up on humanity and left us to fend for ourselves) since Cawthorn isn’t sporting nasty boils or isn’t showing signs of leprosy or hasn’t been struck by lightning so far. (Same thing applies to the Repulsive MTG.)


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