Jenna Ellis, Trump Big Lie Lawyer, whose main claim to fame is being in the vicinity of the fart heard round the world…

…is so desperate for a new gig that she has hitched her dinghy to the sinking My Pillow poohbah Mike Lindell’s bullshit barge and is now hawking his new product line “My Coffee”.

That’s going about as well as you might think.





QVC has standards, my dude.

Ding, ding ding, ding!👇

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  1. You know, it’s nice to see losers can still get some kind of employment after embarrassing themselves so damned much on national television. I mean, it doesn’t get much worse than farting on national t.v. while the other person sniffs. Nope. Not even. Farting rudy and sniffer jenna can join the pillow loser and at least get a cuppa. I can tell you one thing: all the losers who attacked the capitol on 6 January who also made it onto national t.v. are not so lucky.

  2. ” . . . she has hitched her dingy . . . .”

    Minor nitpick, Dino, but the word is “dinghy.” “Dingy” is an adjective meaning “gloomy or drab or dirty” (frequently used by laundry detergent commercials to describe your clothes unless you use their detergent) while “dinghy” is a small boat.

  3. Why is it I keep thinking this coffee came from and was packaged by the same company (s) that provide supermarkets with their undrinkable store brands? I suppose it’s because of who is hawking the shit.


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