Have You Ever Wondered About The Scene In Kellyanne and George Conway’s House?


It’s an interesting fact of Washington life that the Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, is married to a man who makes no bones about describing her boss as a narcissist and a fool.

That’s George Conway’s take. Now here’s his wife, asked by a reporter why Trump compares his economic policies to the unstoppable zombie apocalypse on Game of Thrones. :40

Maybe the Conways just agree to disagree. Who knows? And it doesn’t matter, but it is interesting, that they both take a passionate stance, one pro Trump, one anti. My guess is that Kellyanne knows she’s acting a part, and she’s getting paid very handsomely for it. I think when this is all over, she may well be the first to fold and do a great tell-all book. And look for Ivanka to make mega bucks after Daddy croaks and she spills the beans.

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  1. Ivanka & Kellyanne will forever be tainted by their behavior and actions. Both relegated in the history annals as alternate and fake people. Social pariahs.


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