If this was any kind of a normal GOP primary the past week that Nikki Haley had would warrant comparisons to the Hindenburg and the Titanic, it was that bad. Haley’s slavery gaffe was beyond the pale. It was nothing that could be walked back and it was nothing that she could have possibly doubled down on. It was sheer disaster.

The intriguing thing about Haley is that she’s gotten as far as she has by making bland and unprincipled play out as moderate. It’s been remarkable to watch, actually. She avoids taking a stand on anything and thereby hopes to alienate nobody. What’s that old expression, “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything?” Haley stands for absolutely nothing. She’s the bookend to Ron DeSantis, who also stands for nothing, but has been desperately trying to cobble together a brand of MAGA Lite that will appeal to everyone. Here is what should be the final straw for Haley. It might not be but in any sane world it would be.

The right answer would have been “no.” But Haley didn’t want to say that, so apparently she’s just fine with working with somebody who has called her “Birdbrain.” How I would love to see the Trump/Birdbrain ticket. My God, can you imagine what the ad makers can do with that? Peanut Brain and Birdbrain? Or Birdbrain and Bird Shit? The copy just writes herself.

What’s comical here is that all anybody has been doing in this primary is play for second. DeSantis is banking on the judicial system taking Trump out if his arteries don’t do it first. Then it will be Ron To The Rescue, which was his slogan for a while. The understudy will be swept from obscurity and elevated to the starring role. This is all Ron and Casey talk about, I’d bet money. How many more cheeseburgers will it take Trump to finally go over the line?

That’s why both Haley and DeSantis said that they would vote for Trump is he was the nominee. They weren’t about to spoil their chances for the VP spot — although DeSantis pretty much has in recent weeks. All the more reason for Nikki to shine bright, so that she might get the number two spot.

But she’s got to be delusional thinking she’s even going to be considered. Elise Stefanik will probably take the spot. Stefanik is also angling for it, but she’s going about it the intelligent way by being a Trump sycophant par excellence. She declared herself Ultra MAGA quite a while back and now she jumps onto social media every single time Comer or Jordan have another step forward and two steps back in their Hunter Biden escapade. She does that to seem like she’s totally in tune with and on top of the Republican agenda — and there is no Republican agenda, just a bunch of third rate twits trying to survive and get reelected.

If Stefanik doesn’t take the VP spot, I don’t know who would. I think Marge Greene alienates anybody outside of her congressional district. Although it would be a great ticket. Trump/Greene would sink like a rock. I can’t wait until they ask Marge some of the stuff they asked Sarah Palin: what newspapers and magazines do you read?

Maybe Trump would pick Kristi Noem. That’s actually more his speed, since Noem is better looking than Stefanik and that’s a big deal to Trump.

In any events, I think Haley has finished up her time in politics. I don’t see her as being viable after this. Although, who knows? At the rate the GOP is going under, one rat stuck on a splintered bar sign might be the only one left to lead.


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  1. She defended the Conferderate flag and then claimed the murderous pissant who shot nine churchgoers “hijacked it”. She has stood by this fascist pig and showed her support on national TV. She’s a racist beatch and I find it head scratching anyone thinks she is moderate. She’s right off the pages of Gone With The Wind, pretending the confederacy was anything other than a BRUTAL AND EVIL INSTITUTION. She’s just a different shade of lipstick on the same pig of racism. Her latest gaffes aren’t gaffes. She’s a fraud and a LIAR.
    When people show you who they are…believe them.
    Maya Angelou


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